Mount drop rolling etiquette

So, it’s fine if three people roll greed first, then you rolled need because the fourth guy rolled need?

Fair enough. I suppose, in hindsight, it is better to just AH the thing than equip it. The gold is usually more useful than a new recipe or minor upgrade.

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I need gold just as much as you need a temporary upgrade.

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Most likely the person in the dungeon with you isn’t planning to equip it, they’ll sell it to some whale that likes decking themselves out in epics. You’re just encouraging people to be a sucker, think rationally about how much a person “needs” an item.

ok so I guess we’re all just gonna roll need on everything then, because I’d love to sell every BoP to a vendor -.- blizzard can remove the “greed” option.

And people call me a troll.


Can’t say I agree with this take sorry.

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Announce at the beginning of the dungeon that everyone will be rolling need on X item. Then roll need on it. Greed / Pass if you don’t want a chance to win the item. This goes for anything regardless of the subjective value of the object.

If you don’t agree to the terms, leave the group. That’s my view.

That’s cool, you can roll greed on the BoE worth 5,000 gold. No skin off my nose.

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Now you are getting it. :slight_smile: It’s why Blizzard went to Personal Loot because chuckleheads would whine no-stop about losing loot rolls, because the rolled greed instead of need.

Pugging and not elaborating loot rules is a recipe for disaster.

That’s not what I mean. I roll need on a BOE epic which is and upgrade for me and you roll need to sell it and win the roll. that is just rude. unless im missing something here

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Yeah, at this point it is time to flag all your posts.


Always need

Adhering to agreed upon loot rules is the opposite of rude.

Perhaps you should read the thread before commenting.

sociopath sociopath sociopath sociopath sociopath sociopath sociopath :dizzy_face:

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Lol I’ve been reading the thread. it sounded like you were saying people have a right to need on gear they don’t need just to sell even when its an upgrade for another party member. I don’t agree with that. If it’s not an upgrade for anyone then whatever.

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Two off them have already gone grey. No need to waste any more reports.


“roll need on what you need and greed on what you want to sell” isn’t exactly something that needs to be communicated to normal people -.-

That’s fine. Host your own groups and set the loot rules to what ever you want.