Mount doesnt say any difficulty any more

Im upset about the mount and could give zero F’s about those guys.

Are you upset enough to do three raids in the next five months so you can get a mount?

Cuz If not, you need to get more upset.

Not sure about US law in detail so i cant comment on it. I only know about european law for obvious reasons. Basically if you put in a date on a pre order and dont release til then the company holds no rights.

They say they care about the casual player but they don’t every time something like this comes out they make it harder for people to get just like The bow . I don’t have the time to do raiding other than lfr

Seriously neither of them have talked about it.

I didn’t need to see anything from them to be mad about it .

I read the reply saying Nope and I knew for months it said any difficulty and fully expected to do it in lfr.

If I would of known I might have saved the $30 i spent on a 60 day game time card and waited until DF .

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Im unsubbing. Its gated hell. The grind isnt worth it to me for a mount Id get tired of in a week.

And a lot of the attitudes of the ones doing the higher difficulty isn’t exactly the greatest sell for people to want to do the content. It’s gonna be like WoD all over again. And Sepulcher already had the least participation of the expac.

This is a terrible argument considering that you’ll sit in queue for 30+ minutes doing LFR.

Lol alright then. Thanks for letting me know the depths of your frustration. Over a mount you’d get tired of in a week.

People who weren’t going to raid in the first place weren’t going to raid regardless because of their own attitudes tbh.

Maybe, but definitely doesn’t help. A lot of people list toxicity as one of the reasons they steer clear.

Heck Normal doesn’t deserve a shared reward with heroic and mythic , yet it does

How do you figure that out? In the original belief,

  • You do LFR, you get a reward ( The cat)
  • You do normal… nothing?!

LFR should have something sure. But it should be its own reward. And it’s too late for that.

(The cat was already designed after contest, the title is just words, teleports are easy to implement. Remember this is a small team working on a filler season that could have not existed to the same effect)


  • excuses.

Toxicity to me means getting in the forums and demanding rewards that aren’t found in particular types of content and posting endless “Blizzard screws casuals” threads.

I’m saying if lfr isn’t desrerving of getting the cat when it is not on the same level as normal . Then why is normal deserving when it isn’t on the same level as heroic or mythic.

You know what even better it should be a mythic only mount .

Then you’d have 2 stages of raid without rewards. Is that really your solution? And for the record, I wouldn’t mind. The cat is just a means to an end (400 mount achievement) and unless they add a new bracket, I don’t give a damn.

Oh man the tears would be incredible :melting_face:

Everyone gives feedback, no matter what part of the game it is in. And if it’s fine for other people to do it, it’s fine for people that do LFR to do it. It shouldn’t be selective. You are not a special case. People are gonna still feel how they do and your statements only fuel the fire, not put it out.

You aren’t gonna get people into higher difficulties talking down to them or at them.


Honestly, normal raiding is just taking a few minutes before a boss to coordinate,and vioce chat. In my experiences sometimes there’s worse players in normal raiding.

I don’t care whether they do it or not. I’m going to do it, because I always do. Because I want the rewards that come from that sort of content. Because it’s fun.

Right. Apparently however, your idea of feedback is that the feedback is only viable if it’s something you agree with. If it’s not, it’s toxic, talking down, etc.

The players who seriously want this mount are going to get it. The people who really don’t care and just want to troll the forums pretending that do care, just not enough to go get the mount because

are gonna just keep trolling and not actually caring. That’s because this is the forums and it has been this way since I got here in 2005.


Everyone has off days in raiding environments, and some have longer learning curves. I could read and watch guides all day long, but until I saw the effects while I played, I usually had a one or two pull learning to a fight.

They won’t offer an apology. They refuse to even acknowledge that the achievements ever implied that the slime cat mount would be available through LFR.

They’ll never make an official statement on the slime cat mount ever again except to say that it will become unobtainable once Dragonflight pre-patch goes live.