Mount costs?

Does anyone know how the mount costs will be in tbc?

Like should I wait to buy an epic ground mount until launch to save gold?

If I remember correctly the prices for mounts and the training get swapped, so instead of 900 gold mount (no discount) and 100 gold training, its like 900 gold training and 100 gold mount. could be wrong tho

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Yeah, you buy the training and then the mounts. I believe you get 2 discounts at 10% each - one at honored, and one at revered or exalted. You need to be exalted with an Alliance faction in order to buy its mounts.


You get 10% at honored, and the other discount, rank 3 pvp 10% goes away entirely in TBC.

I knew there was no discount for PvP. I could have sworn there was an extra 10% later on from rep… Huh.

I think in later expansions you do get another discount for revered or exalted, but that’s not for a while iirc.

Fair enough.

If you can stand running around on a 60% mount yea save the gold. The training becomes expensive while the 100% mounts cost 100g.

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