Mount Conundrum!

So, I like my mounts to match my characters. I don’t like using mounts on characters that wouldn’t have them or don’t match; I’ll never have a DH on Invincible or a non-undead on the Undercity Plague Bat, for instance.

My story for Faustian is that he’s just a DH. He helped lead the Illidari out of Mardum and helped on the Broken Isles, but he never became the Slayer and never even went to Argus. This will be true, too, because as soon as he hits 110 it’s off to Zuldazar.

So, mounts. For ground he uses the Illidari Felstalker, because Illidan gave the Felsaber to the DH who became the Slayer. And that’s not Faustian. I can’t settle on a flying mount though. I have the Netherwing drakes, but Faustian didn’t earn them. I have the Slayer mount from another DH, but again. Faustian will never be the Slayer. And I have the corrupted Apexis mount from WoD, but Faustian’s never been to Draenor.

So what do you recommend for a flying mount under these conditions?

If you were Alliance I could help because we on the Alliance have horses for every occasion.

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But horses don’t fly. I’m covered for a ground mount.

Flying cloud from Pandaria?

If this is for an rp type purpose I think using mounts that go with the zones you are in would work. You are a DH that is surviving off the land by his wits, while in Zandalar jumping on a pherodaythal and flying off doesn’t seem so far fetched.


I agree with the post above me.


One of the jeweled panthers could be a fit for being a “neutral” mount bought off the AH or play through the Kou’fon mount quest to get him at the end in order to fly with.

Mine does. :wink:

You’re horde aligned, you learned to use a wyvern while fighting with them.

Better yet since your character wasn’t in pandaland, here’s one for participating in ashenvale stuff, assuming he has.

Might be difficult to farm though. Grab a flying mount from current content.

I had not thought about that. Thanks, I settled on the Swift Red Wind Rider. Pretty standard, but it makes sense. Faustian learned to fly on one of those before the Black Temple, and so he still uses it until something else comes along.

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Just get to 110 and unlock your order hall mount. RP heavy it isn’t but it’s thematically correct.

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Yeah, he’s just a demon hunter. One of the common folk that wants a peaceful life milkin’ his fel-infused cow, Moo-moo.

You know, like everyone else.

No, no. More like… he’s got no driving need to get revenge on the Burning Legion, he’s not particularly interested in protecting Azeroth, etc., etc., etc.

He was an alchemist who didn’t have the training to be a mage, but wanted more power. So, he bailed to Outland and became a demon hunter. But he’s not a “go team Illidari!” kinda guy. He’s on a quest for personal power, and this is where his quest took him.