Mount Collector Support Group v25

Latest mount is the Eternal Phalynx of Loyalty.


#583 - Battle Gargon Vrednic


#584 - Sinfall Gargon


Saw someone get the Infinite Timereaver. Wasnā€™t me. Their response
ā€œI didnā€™t even know this was a thingā€
I love this game.


Ouch thatā€™s a :hocho: to the :heart:.


#548 - Duskflutter Ardenmoth
#549 - Bloodgorged Hunter
#550 - Saltwater Seahorse


Finally got my 469th mount in-game from the Theater of Pain located in the middle of Maldraxxus. My newest mount is the Gnawed Reins of the Battle-Bound Warhound. :smiley:


Finally got the last mission table mount - Warstitched Darkhound.

#528 + 33.

If simplearmory is correct, you can use the extra Shadowlands slots as a guide on nujmber count and what counts.

  • #440 - Gilded Prowler
  • #441 - Lurid Bloodtusk

Count adjusted to reflect Kyzeraā€™s usable amount.


I was excited to see mythic Nighthold was fairly easy until I got to the Sheared Soul debuff in the Illidan phase. Anyone know a clever way around it? Two people trivializes the phase but I donā€™t see a way around it solo.

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FYIā€¦ Secret-finding discord has figured out how to detect the mount count that used to be on the character statistics page. Just go to their collections-bot channel and type in the script there and it will tell you.

Anyway, they implemented it just in time for me to figure out I was passing a new milestone: #600! Rampart Screecher.


Thank you! Itā€™s pretty damn close. My count was 550 and that DIscord thingy said 548. Maybe my two newest mounts havenā€™t updated yet. :thinking:


I want a mount I can fight on. I want a mount that I can dismount and it will fight for me like my pet; or at least along side me. I want to feed my horse. I want my horse in a stable. I want the stable to always be there and I want the stable to allow visitors so my buddies can go and feed my horse special treats for me. I want to drive a lance directly through the chest of my enemies. Gaining momentum, faster and faster; until thereā€™s enough force to go through your friends tooā€¦ I want my mount to not accidentally walk through other sprites from now on. If my mountā€™s killed in combat. I donā€™t want it to respawn unless a priest or paladin resurrects it. So I want my mounts to always permanently die after they fall in battle; unless a nice priest or paladin happens to be kicking around. Or a shaman. I want to strap my horse with a bunch of explosives. And ride straight into the subway between Stormwind and Ironforge. You know whatā€™s next; you know, those busy fridays, people busy, people hustling, of all races. Night elf, Gnome, Dwarf, or Humanā€¦ I want to blow up the subway connecting the 2 Alliance cities of Aseroth!! While thereā€™s lots of people on the subway. And Iā€™m going to escape death (Not my horse.) by detonating the explosives right as the subway gets too that glass part under the Great Seaā€¦ The force/percussion/impact from the explosion will not only break all that glass; flooding the tracks and derailing the subway carsā€¦ It will launch me straight up into the sea! I might not die from the explosion and I might have a chance to swim all the way too the surface. (I can escape because Iā€™m the only one expecting all this; because Iā€™m the one doing it, of course.) I could be eaten by a shark floating while heading too the surfaceā€¦ I know my plan will work! That Subway brings WAY too many of the other races into my beautiful city of Stormwind. I donā€™t like thatā€¦ Anyway. Thatā€™s the kind of changes I want if theyā€™re making new mounts.

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Just earned my 470th mount from my Queenā€™s Conservatory. My newest mount is the Wakenerā€™s Runestag!


Script says 560, which is very nice to know.


#585 - Chosen Tauralus

#586 - Armored Chosen Tauralus

The bot is close but seems to be 1 off from my own tracking based on this thread for some reason


#463 - Antoran Charhound after 93 attempts


Infested Necroray from my first necroray egg.


#464 - Amber Ardenmoth, from 2nd Wild Hunt paragon cache
#465 - Wildseed Cradle

  • #442 - Rajani Warserpent
  • #443 - Clutch of Ha-Li
  • #444 - Wandering Ancient
  • #445 - Gravestone Battle Gargon

Count adjusted to reflect Kyzeraā€™s usable amount.


Got (2) more mounts in-game today for my massive mount collection!

Mount #471: Wandering Ancient
Mount #472: Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag