Mount Collector Support Group v25

I feel like the new Sylverian Dreamer store mount will do it for ya, Xan. It’s been a long time coming and watching your mount count go up over the months has been a treat. Pre-grats


Just made me my very own Mechanocat Laser Pointer mount in-game. As a result of this, I earned the A Horde of Hoofbeats achievement unlocking me the Frenzied Feltalon mount. :slight_smile:

So now as a result of this I have 401 mounts obtained. Time to start saving up more mounts now for when Blizzard decides to add a 450 mount achievement.



(Sylverian Dreamer makes 415 for me. I have slowed down significantly since reaching 400 focusing on other achievements. I am sure I will get 450 by next expansion, though, so I’m good with that)


Grats Xan, I’ve been neck and neck with you over the past while. I wanted the Faberge Egg pet you get for having a million gold but wasn’t quite there before 8.2. so I held off buying my last mounts.

#398 - Kor’kron Juggernaut
#399 - Reins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon
#400 - Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcher
#401 - Frenzied Felton
#402 - Reins of the Proudmoore Sea Scout
#403 - Green Marsh Hopper
#404 - Mechanocat Laser Pointer
#405 - Sylverian Dreamer

I’ll keep grinding hard, my legitimate first world problem is that I have every soloable dungeon and raid drop mount with the exception of Ironhoof destroyer and felsteel annihilator so I only have two legacy raids to run reach week. My favorite part of this game is running legacy raids for mounts/xmog.

I think I’ll work on leveling some alts for the class hall mounts now.


eh meant to post on this char, not sure why it decides randomly what char to use

#431 - X-995 Mechanocat


#133 - Sylverian Dreamer (gift for 6 month sub :heart: )
#134 - Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher (at long last!)


#312 - Sylverian Dreamer
#313 - X-995 Mechanocat

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#429 - Garn Steelmaw

Must get 450 before the achievement is put in place.

A question I have that I’ve never really known the answer to; Let’s say I have five active accounts and am farming a mythic wod boss like Blackhand or Archimonde for the mount. Is there going to be a difference between doing 1 run with 5 accounts or 5 runs with 1 account? I honestly have nfi how the rules work with that.


#224 Phosphorescent Stone Drake
#225 Time-Lost Proto Drake

I’m not allowed to complain about mount luck anymore


just an update on the green infernal mount from NH. on attempt 853. This has become my second longest raid boss mount farm, stonecore’s Vitreous mount at nearly 1k attempts has the crown

EDIT: the toy dropped for me on the 864th attempt. Like i care lol


Finally unlocked flying earlier today! Received my 402nd mount as a result which was the Wonderwing 2.0.


#314 - Crimson Tidestallion

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Got my 403rd mount yesterday. My newest mount is the Child of Torcali.



Luk’hok, Gorok, Poundfist, Risen Mare, Valajar Stormwing


So, ive been camping aeonaxx on and off since cataclysm. This week i decided to camp it about 4 hours after resets.

You know you always hear these stories of people who get it after 5 minutes of camping whereas you have sat there for like a day straight (ahem im looking at you poundfist) and still havent even seen a spawn.

I was finally one of those persons. I got into deepholm. Sat for 5 minutes, did a lap, sat for another 5 minutes and there he spawned.

So #353 Phosphorescent Stone Drake


#473 - Captured Swampstalker
#474 - Voldunai Dunescraper
#475 - Spectral Pterrorwing
#476 - Fabious
#477 - X-995 Mechanocat
#478 - Sylverian Dreamer
#479 - Crimson Tidestallion
#480 - Palehide Direhorn
#481 - Wonderwing 2.0

Still working on Child of Torcali and getting exalted on my Alliance toon to get the three new griffons. Looks like I’ll easily hit my goal of 500 mounts before 9.0 :grin:

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I slowed down after I got my #350 Frostshard Infernal back in May
but I’ve recently got

#352 Sylverian Dreamer
#353 Crimson Tidestallion
#354 Mechanocat
#355 Kua’fon
#356 Junkheap Drifter (3rd time killing bird without camping him)
#357 Child of Torcali
#358 lil’ Donkey (so happy I finally nabbed him- 80 attempts till I did)

next will prob be Mech-quest spider but who knows
bout a mill-house left till I can buy the auction Dino so I’m still working towards that one


sorry the Lyriel post above is all me. I don’t understand why this forum picks random toons instead of the one I wanna post on and I cannot change the poster to this toon.

#432 - Wonderwing 2.0
#433 - Rusty Mechanocrawler
#434 - Scrapforged Mechaspider
#435 - Azureshell Krolusk