Mount Collection Not Showing All Mounts in Armory

Did they change how mounts are displayed now on the armory? I swore it used to show all mounts that had been earned account wide, but now it seems there are mounts that I only see on my Horde character and mounts that I only see on my Alliance character …and it makes no sense.

E.g., I earned the Winterspring Frostsaber on my Alliance character. My horde character used to be able to see it in the armory, but now they can’t. Now I can only see it if I look at my Alliance character’s profile.

Also, this seems to be totally inconsistent. E.g., on my Horde toon I can see some Alliance mounts (both in game and on the wow armory) that are Alliance only. So why can he see some Alliance mounts, but then not others?

Why can’t the counter (both armory and in game) be truly account wide, and just differentiate via hover (or, heck, show a second count to indicate) the difference between actual Total Mounts account wide, and usable Mounts per character (based on faction)?

Hi Llanthta,

That is correct, the Character Profiles, and the public web APIs were updated to only include Mounts on the collections pages which would be visible to that character in-game. Characters will need to log into the game and logout before this change will take effect.

Additionally, thank you for the feedback regarding how we can continue to improve on the character profiles moving forward.

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Thanks, Maguthul. It makes sense that they match–I get that. :slight_smile: It would help reduce some confusion and provide a cohesive experience. Thank you for confirming that.

It was part of my routine to verify my total Alliance/Horde count by checking the armory, so I guess I will cut that out now. As a collector, that’s a little disappointing though. So, I’ll just cross my fingers that this be possibly implemented in the future.