Please consider adding new Mount Collection achievements, up to 800, or 1000.
The top % of mount collectors have reached 1150 mounts on Data For Azeroth.
As a person that owns all store mounts and the majority of promotional mounts, but no PVP mounts and very little removed mounts, I have 987 on Data For Azeroth. That would be 941 if it were counted by the Achievements (DFA counts both factions and unusable)
This means that without store, promo, removed, tcg and even PVP mounts, you can EASILY get to 800 through in-game activities.
So why do we only have Mount Collection Achievements until 500?
Pet collectors have achievements until 1750, and there’s one for 2000 waiting to be added that was removed in a later build of DF Beta because IT WASN’T OBTAINABLE YET.
The person with the HIGHEST amount of pets on Data For Azeroth has 1858, 108 more than the last achievement.
So WHY are Mount Collectors stuck at 500 when some of us have 800, 900 or even 1150 mounts?
I’ve been posting suggestions every single PTR forum for new achievements. Sadly we’ve been forgotten. My only hope is they’re working on something and haven’t announced it yet. We’re overdo for a new achievement for sure and I don’t know why they skipped 450.
Even taking out promotional mounts, shop things, unobtainables, etc, the average player can still get well over 700 mounts in the game- we’re WAY overdue for a few new achievements- something high numbers for people on the cutting edge to chase rather than getting the achiev upon logging in on patch day.
Exactly, and I like the OP was mentioning additional achievements I have suggested a progressive achievement/mount achievements overhaul on top of it.
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ill be honest i dont think blizz is gonna push the mount achieves till more than 8% of the player base has the 500. if 8% has the mount then 800 that sounds like 2% area.
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You’re probably right considering the lack of information or effort in adding new achievements. I just hit 600 mounts(per character) hence why I want to see an overhaul to the mount achievements by adding in achievements every 25 mounts. The 25 and 75 markers could add an option to modifiy a mount via the Rostrums of Transformation system.
I’d be happy with at least the missing 450, no idea why they skipped 450 and went to 500