Mount addon?

Is there any good addons that tell you what mounts you are missing and how to get them?

I need a couple more mounts and trying to see if I am missing any easy ones

Hi there!,

There is multiple AddOn’s that I would recommend that would help you with tracking your mount collection!

Two AddOn’s I personally use are Rarity and Collect Me. Both of these AddOn’s are available for download on the Curse Client.

Collect Me AddOn Details: This AddOn keeps track of mounts, companions, titles, toys, and followers in the game, and shows you what you’re missing and where they can be obtained.

Rarity AddOn Details: Rarity helps keep count of obtainment attempts for all mounts, toys, pets, etc.
Note: This AddOn doesn’t track retroactively. So you start at (0) attempts for anything you are currently farming for when it is installed.

There is also an excellent Facebook Community that helps players collect mounts in-game. The community is actually about to reach 100,000 members at this time. I find this community very helpful when it comes to farming the various mounts in-game!

Community name: World of Warcraft Mountfarmers
Invitation Link: World of Warcraft Mountfarmers | Facebook

If you got any other questions, Feel free to ask!

Cheers! :smiley:

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