Older player, probably one of the higher leveled Rogue “noobs” in the game previously (IIRC level 60 something-ish) - basically drifted away from WoW a few years pre-pandemic - and honestly I left due to boredom. Fast forward to November and I ran into a former coworker who is a serious gamer and he convinced me to give the new Classic a chance. I actually enjoyed the exploration in the former years more than anything in the old game and achieved 90% or more of the exploration badges between The Burning Crusade through Mists of Pandaria. at pretty low levels, relatively speaking.
Over time my closest acquaintances eventually left the game and our guild was kaput. Joined several other guilds but never found a home after that and just played solo. Being in Hawaii also had its challenges to find guilds/players within a reasonable time zone for raids and other fun.
I love travel and have been fortunate to hit many countries and I find that was what I enjoyed the most in Wow was checking out all of the new places to see vs the battles and quests? But now I am stuck in a rut at only level 14 after a couple of months and really don’t enjoy coming back as much as I thought I would. I think I’m probably done…can anyone recommend a game with exploration similar or better than Wow, or as one of the main features?