MOTHER has Corruptions

Rng mau etc

I already have a full haste built. And a full vers build.
Both of those are garbage compared to a Twilight Dev build. You’re safer when things die faster.

Nzoth bashers don’t die that fast. Nor do the mack truck bosses in high tyrannical.

There is a reason the highest io people are stacking versa corrupts either way that’s kind of immaterial.

All corrupts should be on the vendor so that we can experiment and find crazy builds. Maybe a massive ineffable truth stack on a DK could allow for permanent uptime on major cooldowns I won’t know that because I won’t risk blowing echoes when I will have a limited time to get the corrupts I actually want.

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Eyeroll. Another 1% +20 key spammer

Please explain what positive it serves to not have all corrupts available.

Gives people something to look forward to.

No it doesn’t. Just gives people annoyance as they watch people shoot ahead of them in damage while they wait.

Truth yo, I’m sitting here trying to figure out if the corruption I want on a weapon is even gonna be on the vendor due to it being only in raid, like can’t get an answer so I have to save my damn echo’s on my toons and wait and see what damn corruptions will be obtainable…stupid, like will my rogue be able to get the lashing void tentacle? who knows /shrug gotta wait a month and see…

Why would they be.

I honestly doubt it will be if it is only available on the one item raden drops and not on any other, kinda like my corruption from the skitra bow

How much you want to bet it isn’t even a rotation and just a random roll of six.