MOTHER has Corruptions

You’re hosed. We get to enjoy watching rerolls buy BiS corruptions by the boatload, because we grinded our essences out in 8.2 like we were supposed to.

We just have to wait a month 4head


now just add rank 1,2 essences

I guess I’ll be able to buy a bunch of expedient 3’s in a month when they are back on the vendor… Brilliant


I got to ask whats the point in her only selling 6 at a time?

I mean people know what they want for the most part but you going to make them sit around and check back every 3-4 days to see if what they want is in stock. Seems kind of lame.


MOTHER still does not have corruptions for some of us. Several of my raid team, me included, are not seeing it. Got all excited and ran to the Chamber, and nothing.

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Is there a way to upgrade the cloak without the visions? I’d like some alternate route if that’s possible. Potentially through killing raid bosses.

Sounds like a normal Blizzard hotfixed system rollout.

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Move out of her house if you do not like it.

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This is too much. Current mechanics is raining with Corrupted Gear already.
It just force people to farm for the new currency. I dont mind.

Preserved Contaminant is still not perfect though as you could get multiple proc on a certain slot where you would want it. I dont mind too.

Ever played destiny ? This is exactly like Xur. You wait for inventory to refresh and then are disappointed what you want to buy isn’t being sold.


Do contained contaminants overwrite existing corruptions or do they work only on non-corrupted, non-cleansed items?

I don’t think anyone will forget that it’s on a rotation since it will be the most complained about aspect of it as long as it remains that way.

Looks like it is no longer for sale. Was this intentional. 15 min ago i saw all of them except for twilight dev 3. I went to go complete a emissary to take me above 5000. I went to buy expedient and now they are all gone.

It depends on what shard you get thrown into. Eventually all shards will have the newer version of MOTHER.



Anyone tried on a cleansed piece yet? Curious if by any chance works. Is Surging vitality on???

so you dont max out and unsub until next tier because you cant control yourself…

You are asking why Blizzard has gated something?

Oh boy, where do I start? :rofl:

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That’s a lot less exciting then. Would be nice to salvage some of the numerous crap corruption items in my bags…

Ain’t this the truth.
The All-Tank Runs of stuff with Twilight Devastation Rank 3 illustrates perfectly how the current patch is bring the Corruption not the player. Now everyone’s mains just got bent over and a currency cactus shoved where the sun don’t shine. What possible incentive is there now to continue to play our mains that are doomed to be a month behind in grinding?

Serious consideration is being given to shelving my 470 lock in favor of much lower toons that actually have the currency.

Unless they fix their blunder and make the Echos account bound or tradable between toons some other way (This is to be read dripping in sarcasm. We all know they wont fix a f***ing thing.)