Most thematic race/class combos

In your opinion, what is the most thematically “fitting” race/class combination in the game?

Do you immediately go to more classic combinations like Dwarf Warrior, Night Elf Hunter, Vulpera Warlock, and Tauren Shaman?

Or do you gravitate towards more contemporary iconic combinations like Mechagnome Monk, Lightforged Draenei Paladin, Pandaren Death Knight, and Void Elf Shadow Priest?

What race/class combinations never fail to make you nod your head and say, “Right on.”? Which do you think are the most appropriate and memorable?

What is it about the combination that appeals to you?

Nightelf Mohawk


Dwarf Brewmaster Monk…

The only thing that makes this more humorous is I’m not even sure if it’s a typo or not…


Nightborne Arcane Mage. Night Elf Druid. Forsaken Warlock. Human Turd.


So Venthyr… Druid?

I’ll let you decide!

What? Vampire Druids don’t make perfect sense?

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Honestly, that would be a super cool druid race. Gargoyle Bear form, Gargon cat form, Vampire Bat Flight Form. Boomkin form could be mirror-themed.

Well sure but I mean I totally get why night elves and Tauren would choose the place with gargoyles and castles instead of a forest where their nature gods go to be reborn

Male human Paladin comes straight to mind. Not just for the meme, but it’s what I started playing.

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This guy?

Night Elf Demon Hunter. Nightborne Mage would be a close followup.

Even if I don’t RP, I do want my character/class combination to “feel” like it belongs in the Warcraft Universe, even if I have to make up my own head cannon to explain it. So long as the head cannon sounds reasonable, I have a much easier time enjoying the character.

Vulpera Rogue, Night Elf Druid, Orc Warrior, Draenei/Lightforged Paladin, etc. When I’m unfamiliar with other people’s “headcannon”, race/class combinations that “make sense” (lore-wise) feel pretty good.

Otherwise, I’m personally of the opinion that all races should be opened up for all classes. Lore-wise, there’s no reason this couldn’t be the case now.

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Blood elf hunter.
Cuz I love them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


LF Draenei Paladin…

Honestly, I feel like there are some archetypical class OTPs.
Humans are a generic malleable race that can easily fit everything from warrior to priest and look like it belongs, while races like dwarves aught not be caught casting lest their beard fall straight off.
Then there’s orcs, the classical look of ‘hit thing hard with larger thing’ where I feel it’s nearly sacrilege to play a caster as one but adversely, trolls, gnomes, and goblins feel like casters and rogues to me.
Undead rightfully have a meme status as rogue, and ‘undead male rogue energy’ is a palpable thing, imo.
Elves are a weird bag, the males generally look like muscle laden hunks and arguably have one of the weirdest casting animations (forehead casting looks super weird in nelf’s case) but females models have pretty good animations both melee and caster-wise, so it fits in that case.

I could go on, but you feel me?

Goblin and gnome - tinker
Human - paladin and mage
Dwarf - hunter and warrior
Night elf - Druid and priest
Worgen - werewolf
Dranei- dranei

Horde stinks

I did not delete this post.

Show yourself villain

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Speaking based on Thematic Race/Class Combinations and transmog theme Potential.

Void Elf Subtlety Rogue/Shadow Priest/ Affliction Warlock/Frost Mage/Death Knight
Night Elf Hunter/Druid/ Warrior/ Priest/Arcane Mage/ Demon Hunter
Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman/ Fire Mage/ Fury Warrior
Blood Elf Paladin/ Fire Mage/ Priest/ Markmen Hunter / Demon Hunter
Nightborn Arcane Mage
Orc Shaman/ Warrior/ Warlock/ Unholy Death Knight/ Assassination Rogue
Draenei/LFD Paladin/Priest /Mage
Dwarf Shaman/ Hunter
Pandaren Monk/ Shaman/ Subtlety Rogue
Goblin and Gnome Hunter Tinker (If introduce)/ Hunter/ Warlock
Human Paladin/Mage/ Warlock/ Frost Death Knight / Rogue
Vulpera Rogue/ Survival Hunter
Undead Shadow Priest/ Unholy Death Knights/ Warlock/ Rogue
High Mountain & Tauren Survival Hunter/ Shaman / Warrior/ Druids
Zanadalari Troll/ Paladin/ Druid/ Priest
Troll Shamen/ Priest/ Survival Hunters/ Affliction Warlocks/ Shadow Priest
Worgen Feral Druid / Fury Warrior/ Subtlety Rogue
Kultiran Human Outlaw Rogue/ Druid/ Shaman
Mag’har Orc Shaman/ Warrior/ Warlock/ Shadow Priest/ Assination Rogue

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I like your list. What classes would you give to the Vulpera?