Most of the complaints here are about PvP servers

You didn’t answer my question…

How is calling someone a “shill” name calling?

Is calling someone a “liar” now name calling if you believe they spout falsehoods?

Explain to us all.

Again, you are going off on the deep end by taking an extreme view.

Calling someone a “paid shill” is namecalling. If it’s not intended as an insult, you have failed demonstrably to use the phrase in a non-insulting manner.

I was not threatening you. I was trying to explain how, if you continue to name call and insult people, they could decide to report you or threaten to report you. I am not one of those people. I just ignore people when I have had enough of their b.s. Consider the fact that I am still trying to reach you, a positive.

Continuing to insult/namecall people (especially if they have asked you to stop) is certainly a form of trolling. (And the forum offers limited selections for a flag)

Is calling someone a “liar” now name calling? Is someone not allowed to suppose someone is something without the person being “insulted” by it?

Literally anyone can be offended by anything.

Do you see how this is just a pretext to censor and unperson people?

And you are threatening me if you say “if I continue to troll, you will be banned”. Do not lie to me…

OK Plunder, you’ve had a chance to be civil and now, I’m just going to ignore you.

How have you been civil, pray tell?

By telling everyone that “PvP happened on a PvP realm”?

How was that not patronising and insulting to everyone here who wants a better game experience?

I don’t believe you speak for everyone dude. You seem to be a very hyperbolic person with your points of view. This is just with WoW players. Hate to see your thoughts on people in irl holy ****.

Did I say I was speaking for everyone?

Pretty sure I was just speaking for the people, mostly Alliance PvP realm players, who are sick of being camped at flight paths and questing zones trying to level to 60.

I not a _____ when it comes to being ganked. People just need to adept to it. People apparently love to whine and complain and rather do that.

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Even if you’re the majority faction on a PvP realm, you should still feel patronised from that remark. It literally doesn’t make any sense, and is not what people are complaining about.

“Adaptation” is just another “deal with it, slave” remark, am I wrong?

You’re trying so hard to make me look bad, but it’s just falling flat…

Im not trying hard at anything I’m just stating that you shouldn’t state everyone when it’s not the case. You are assuming that. I don’t come on here to complain about imbalances because I played back in vanilla and have always played on PVP servers. I have been ganked hundreds of times through out my time of playing WoW yet no matter how many times I have been camped for hours sometimes I never came here to complain about it.

People are so offended these days they rather complain to have a problem fixed for them than to deal with the problems head on themselves. From what I have seen so far, some just can’t take that even though they wanted a PVP experience when really they only wanted a PVE experience. Adapting to a situation does not mean “deal with it” it means adjusting to the situation. You train yourself to become better at the game instead of whining. That is what that means.

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So because you are a compliant to an unnecessary hardship like massive faction imbalance of a PvP realm, that means everyone else on the receiving end should comply and suffer as well? You’re prescribing everyone to be a mindless drone to a corporation, aren’t you?

You can’t “train yourself to become better” if you’re being overwhelmed by the majority faction. Skill is only going to get you so far when you’re up against a severe number disadvantage.

I rather deal with problems myself. If that makes me a “compliant” then I guess I am. There really isn’t any “rules” im trying to obey but only my own.

You can’t? You know how I do it when I go to BRM? I take advantage of invis pots, Flask of Petrification, and gnomish cloaking device. You use other things in the game to take the advantage. This is what I mean by adjusting. Preparing yourself and planning for way to have least deaths as possible. The lava environment helps a ton too. The numbers only matter when you don’t think of ways around them.

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I’m a Rogue. I can stealth to conceal myself.

However, even that has limits. On Yojamba, every nook and cranny is been invaded by the Horde. Alliance are completely overwhelmed, and BRM is being camped even in the morning. I’m essentially forced to dungeon to complete any sort of meaningful leveling.

So, of course you will “adapt”, but that is not fair or balanced, is it? And you have the audacity to demean anyone who wants something better.

Noone is “manly” or “strong” for going along with injustices without a whimper if it can be changed.

Patience is not a virtue if you’re a slave.

How is adapting not fair? You become a better player for doing it. You mature in playing the game. It can train you for a different type of skill set of survival. It is only positive outcome for a person to adjust to something new. Just like in real life people have to adjust to certain things. You are not a slave when you are your own person and can make decisions for yourself and over come obstacles. You become a better person for it. I honest don’t see how any of that is a negative.


Is this a BG or an Arena where numbers are enforced? No! It’s a world environment where no faction balance is enforced. And you are a slave if you have no say in that.

You can’t put a “positive” spin on slavery by saying “you are your own person” to change the fact that it’s still slavery.

A slave can make the decision to be more durable, but he has not become a better person for it.

So are you saying that the Horde players who adapt to their PvP server being a PvE server for them are becoming a better player for doing so?

Faction imbalances have always been a problem for World of Warcraft. This problem wasn’t solve back then and probably won’t be solved now. Just because there are faction imbalances doesn’t mean you are helpless to help yourself. You can adjust and it probably will improve on your gameplay. However, people can choose how they want to play. If you rather not do that and rather suffering and express your grievances on here then that’s your choice. Other people will express them right back so don’t expect anything less. You seem as if you rather wait until Blizzard fixes this for you than to play the game now and learn how to adjust to the scary world of PVP. At least that is what I am getting atm.

There is no slavery to begin with which is starting to sound trolly af.

Everything I was talking about was PVP oriented not PVE.

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How is it not akin to slavery when you have no say in faction balance other than to comply to unfair conditions and reroll to a PvE server, or even delete your character to roll to the other faction?

And don’t you dare call me a troll for wanting the maxim of " the customer is always right" to be upheld! The only troll here is you for being incredibly uncivil and patronising…

You can very well do that if you wanted or you can not. That is up to you. You are primarily responsible for what you want to do. No one is forcing you to play World of Warcraft. If the game isn’t to your liking you can quit, play something else, or whatever you like. Blizzard do not have you chained to a desk and making you do anything. Some people are just not able to adjust and have to either stop or do what you said.

I have tried to be civil and I don’t believe I have been patronizing at all. If you feel that way that is on you. I can’t help the way you feel about how I am talking to you. Many people misinterpret text messages and their tone. My tone was not ment to be at all condescending.


You said “I not a _____ when it comes to being ganked.”

You are using masked language to outright insult people who want a better faction balance. You’ve just been caught out on a lie there.