Most of my addons show a '?'

Ya, not sure how to describe it any better, but on the main menu screen and in game, most of my addons show a ‘?’ for their icon(in the addon list), well DBM shows what looks like an airhorn,lol.

I dont think i can post a picture

Addons can now add an icon to the game addon lists. The ? just means the the author of that addon hasn’t yet, and maybe never will.


ahh, thanks, i thought something was severely messed up! It also changed the order of how bagnon and DBM were listed, they used to be at the end of the list, now they are at the top.

For sorting Blizzard now uses the addon names without out any embeded formatting (like colour codes) so they actually appear alphabetically.


well thats better in any case,lol , thanks again!

For any addon authors reading this, it’s super easy to add an icon to your addon. In the toc add this line:

## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\MyAddOn\MyIcon

You can use any texture/atlas from Blizzard’s assets too:

## IconTexture: Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Coin_01

And while there, you can add the name of a global function for your addon (to show/hide its window or anything really):

## AddonCompartmentFunc: MyAddOnToggleWindow

And it will show up as a dropdown option when the user clicks the “compartment” bit in the topright:

In the above, clicking the little 8 (number of addons in the dropdown) will open a dropdown that lists addons with a AddonCOmpartmentFunc (or onenter/onleave presumably) and in this case clicking any of them will open/close the addon’s window. But you can make it do anything really. More about it here:

This is a nice alternative to minimap buttons as launchers; though the little number is not the most intuitive way to get to it.


There is also ## IconAtlas: but…


sometimes i feel they make changes for the sake of making changes, but i digress,lol

You can also use the Icon ID instead of a path, which can easily be pulled from

## IconTexture: 425951

Thank you so much for posting this :point_up_2:. I’ve been trying to find documentation on this specific thing for a few days now, and can’t seem to find any good documentation.

Now my AddOn, Where Do I Get It?, finally has an in-game icon!

1 year later lol whats this addon do im interested to know

It wasn’t any one addon,at the time, a few addons were doing this, it’s not much of an issue now.