Most monk-like classes in ff14?

So, obviously, there is a monk class. But from what I’ve researched, it is only melee dps / WW analogous.

Are there any ff14 classes that compare to the other two roles? If not, thinking of trying gunbreaker out because it sounds cool.

Anyone play both games and have insight?

You would probably have more luck posting in one of the FF14 wikis/forums.
That being said, you make a character and the character is capable of learning any and all of the specs(called jobs). There are no classes in ff14, strictly speaking.
There are no jobs currently in ff14 that do melee dps and healing like a mw monk does and there is no tanking job that has a mechanic even vaguely similar to stagger. So best you could do are the monk and ninja jobs since they are fist/dual wield dps specs that focus on stringing together combos. Since you do not have to pick a class, you can just try them all and see what you like.

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Plan to do that, just looking for the other side perspective. I like to cast a wide net.

I’m not far enough in the game (mainly a fan of 7 remake) so I’ll just say Tifa and back away into this bush…

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Hey u got room in that bush?

From my PoV none of the tanks avaiable resembles the BrM playstyle and same goes for the healers, none are close of MW.

honestly i think Ninja is the class that resemble the WW gameplay the most instead of the monk class (unless u’re talking about punching/kicking things)

The game itself feels a lot slower then wow, I personally like dancer though because it’s super mobile and has a lot of support power behind it. Also the mog is really pretty

Gunbreaker tank is fast like Brewster.
And astrologican is probably the closest healer to mw.

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Unfortunately they removed good cross classing (when I quit FFXIV), and you could take some WHM healing, felt very similar.

FFXIV is built out roles then classes. So you won’t find much that feels “complete package” like WoW classes will (where they are made by class then roles/specs).

You can always level everything on one character though. :brain:

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This makes absolutely no sense as you can literally play every single job on one character. The cross class skills weren’t that impactful. A monk couldn’t be a healer just through cross class skills like you’re implying.

In addition, FFXIV has exactly the same archetypes as WoW… tank, healer, melee dps, physical ranged dps, and caster dps. And again, you can literally play them all on one character.

As to the question, as mentioned above Gunbreaker is probably as close to a BrM as you can get. Monk and Ninja are similar to WW. I don’t think there is a healer equivalent, but White Mage has some hots and direct heals. All healers are expected to dps, although they all do so thru range (caster) dps so no equivalent.

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Name one class that performs more than one role in FFXIV. Oh, that’s right. Ya can’t.

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You can’t compare both games, as the whole “choose class” design is completely different. In wow you level a class with 3 specific specs, you want to play another spec of a different class? You need to level a new character… In FFXIV you level one character and that character can switch to (I think) every role with job crystals!

You can have several job crystals and switch between them on the same character. So the one moment you are a windwalker, next moment you are a holy priest and a moment later you are a fire mage.

Are you really making this argument? Like really? You can play literally any role on one character. Leveling a second, third, and so on job takes a couple days at most, and that’s going slow. I’ve seen some dumb arguments made on these forums, but this may be the worst one ever.

Can’t wait to leave this community lmao

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I didn’t realize there was a waiting period to stop clicking on forum posts… Nothing is holding you here.

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Now I know why you asked if there was room in the bush.

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Just read your own posts.

Speaking of which:

You. Are. A. Troll.

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There isn’t really anything that feels like BrwM or MW. WW translates loosely to Ninja


  • Paladin; magic damage and self healing focused, low mitigation
  • Warrior; think garrosh, but with more defensive.
  • Dark Knight; edgyboi has a fair bit of defensive and deals massive damage through MP
  • GunBreaker; really high defensive ability, feels more like a DPS when playing.


  • White Mage; baby’s first healer that also hits like a truck, more throughput based.
  • Scholar; uses strong shields while their pet does most of the throughput.
  • Astrologian; currently can swap between throughput and shields, this is changing to be just throughput. Also has some of the strongest group utility in their cards.
  • Sage; releasing with Endwalker, this will be a shield healer. A lot is unknown aside from they’ll be able to augment their abilities in different ways to benefit the group.

I’ve been playing the game off and on since A Realm Reborn came out. And I’m happy it’s doing great and people are giving it a chance, normally the wow community is very hostile towards it so it’s refreshing to see that attitude change. They do a lot of things different enough from WoW in ways that it’s hard to compare them.

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If you have any specific questions you can feel free to point them at me. I’ve done most of the content (outside savage/ultimates) in the game, and most of the gathering/crafting shenanigans as well.


I really hope I can find the time to finish FF7 DLC & Get started on the MMO in time for the expansion release. It would be cool to see the rollout.