Just want a clean simple UI, that’s not heavy on the CPU.
ElvUI isn’t CPU heavy.
You can disable as much of it as you want as well.
If you’re looking for JUST a Bar Mod, try Bartender 4.
If you’re looking to be able to modify unit frames and move stuff around, ElvUI is about as lightweight as you’re gonna get without risking multiple addons colliding on important functions.
Alright, but what’s the most cpu heavy on ElvUI you’d say? If I was to disable something.
3D Portraits and Predictive Healing would be my guesses.
If you’re worried about performance in BG/Raids you’ll gain more setting up that Graphic profile rather than tweaking your addons imo.
Particle Density: Ultra (or as high as you're comfortable with, minimum of Good)
Outline Mode: High
Texture Resolution: High
Projected Textures: Enabled
Drop all the other settings as low as possible with the possible exception of View Distance (max 3) if you're fighting in very large areas.