Most in demand classes in Cata?

Even if it means the class kinda sucks so there are less players willing to be non meta.

From what I have gathered these are the top specs people will pick.

Arms warrior.
Ele shaman.
Ret paladin.

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Mage. They can get the legendary staff, have time warp which means that if you’re in a ten man raid and don’t have a shaman you can still get “Lust”, and they do great burst damage which is important for certain bosses.

Death Knights too. I’m not well versed in all the nuances of the class, but from what I recall during my time in two 10 man guilds in OG Cata, we had a DK tank and DK DPS and they provided a lot of useful abilities to the group.

For what?

Is Arms warrior really that good? Pretty amazing, if so. Where’s the info coming from?


Wilee on youtube has some pretty good videos out in Cataclysm.

Honestly I would say play what you find most fun.

What is it based on? Does it take into account the WoW Classic regular thing of starting at the last-patch phase talent changes, etc.? I’ve seen some Cata-Classic Private Server based PVP rankings, but none saying Arms War is top tier.


Arms is S tier PvE spec in Cata.


tanks…every expansion for decades had a shortage of tanks. So those classes will be most in demand

Its not all from old memories. Many of us have been playing Cata nonstop on 4.3.4 (DS balancing patch) pservers since 2012. The meta has evolved a lot since it was live. Much of this data is coming from modern 4.3 servers and the current meta.

To your question, Arms is incredible in PvE in 4.3 but medicore/decent in PvP (not top tier, but does have a few good comps).

I was arms PVE from ICC onward until WoD gutted the spec so I can definitely vouch for that.

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Only for dungeons, never a big shortage for raids and recruiting.

Most guilds already have a tank, theyre likely the GM and never miss a raid.