Most goblin class for goblins?

I made a goblin rogue a while back in order to get the goblin heritage armor. I love the set, but rogue was a bad choice. It’s just never been the class for me and it just doesn’t feel like it fits the race. Goblins are so big and explosiony. Not stealthy. Since we still don’t have a tinker class, what do y’all feel is the most appropriate class for goblins? Nothing really feels right to me.


I would honestly say hunter. I quite like having a zippy engineer goblin hunter, with engineering for that glider, the wormhole teleports, the nitro boosts, the guns, the racial rockets or rocket boots which can be fun to use with disengage. There is a really good gun from the Motherlode dungeon that’s great, and the glyph for flare to make flare look like a little goblin rocket. I think warrior is quite good as well, there are some real scrappy looking shields and weapons that make a good bruiser style look.


Oooh, hunter is good. Survival literally throws bombs! I am currently playing with a destro lock, because I managed to get the name Contract. I might recreate him.

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Hope we never get a tinker class. Good luck with your perfect rogue.


Honesty just rogue or warlocks

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Hunter of course, disengage and rocket jump <3


It’s rogue for me, but I would say play around with the other classes for a bit to find the right fit for you.


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hunter, or shaman. hunters have guns and can get mechanical pets, and shamans… well, nothin says goblin to me, like being able to get fire elementals to do your dirty-work… also their drill totems are pretty cool imo.


Hunter is more or less a natural shoe in. Guns, explosives and a crab friend or two? Perfect fit.

Mage and Warlock are fun choices that also mesh in with the Goblin identity. Warrior too: Bruisers are tough folks and you have all those explosive ways to charge into things.

Shaman is the most off of the classes to me? There’s few in-game representations of Goblin Shamans, I think there’s…the one NPC from Cata. They’re neat but they’re the bottom of my Goblin tier list.

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Love my goblin mage. Rogue and lock are lit too.

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Survival hunter would be next best i think.

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was gonna say rogue with engineering, but you seem to have covered rogue.
most goblin would be rogue in my opinion.

The Glider. Its a new class. A sort of dragon remake.

Come on. You get it, right? Goblin… Glider.


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I love my totems. part of the reason I race changed from Troll on this one to Goblin during Cata (also I fell in love with the fem Goblin model).

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Hunter makes the most sense for goblins who enjoy explosions. If you lean into the alchemical side of the goblin, you could definitely give a case for mage or shaman.

That is the “most goblin class for goblins”.

No, it is the best choice.


Goblins make for great warlocks (and rogues).
Theyre picture is in dictionary next to evil little bastards.

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Just pickup engineering and your solid.

I’d say Hunter. You get rifles, bombs, and the ability to tame mechanical pets by default.

After that, I’d say any class that has lots of fire - Mage, Warlock, Shaman.

For Professions, definitely Engineering or Alchemy.

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Try the forgewire axes for the rogue?