Hello, returning player here seeking out a fun class. In your opinion, what’s the most fun class?
Fury Warrior or Ret Paladin
It really depends on your prefered play style but both of those are fun fast paced classes that are easy to play
I personally enjoy monk the most, but it is a bit more complicated
Great choices! For solo content cuz no one will invite you to any groups.
I’ve played pretty much everything. Once I made an unholy dk all my other characters stay untouched
I’m sure there are many varied opinions on this! For me, hunter has always been the most fun class. Searching for and taming various beasts or rare spawns adds a unique dynamic to the class.
Same. For tooling around and questing, it’s a hunter for me.
For healing PvP, holy paladin is the most fun.
For utility, farming, druid.
60 Mechagnome Monk
… wait a minute
Outlaw rogue ir survival hunter
Well, things I find fun in a class:
- Hunter lets me log in virtually last minute for whatever the ‘challenge of the expansion’ is (ex, Visions) and faceroll it
- Rogues have a significant amount of personal utility and control, and they can be specced to attack like blenders
- Druids have an unrivaled amount of quality-of-life perks
- Paladins have an endless amount of utterly ridiculous mogs
Really, it’s hard to specifically answer this question. Some people find Priests to be a never-ending source of excitement, and I can barely stay awake playing any of their specs, so ‘most fun’ has a lot of personal influence.
This will vary a lot by your goal playstyle. I’ve leveled and done a decent amount with all 12. For mine:
Ranged: Druid/Boomkin (night fae)
- Strong in utility and survivability, makes soloing the world and dungeons like Torghast relatively easy. Being able to utilize that utility is on the more complex side, providing a fun challenge overall. You also provide the ability to try any other role in the end game if you cared to touch in those.
Melee: Demon Hunter
- Simplistic in dps rotation, when using your defensives, utility, and self healing properly, combined with just being speedy, makes packs easy to take on, and inside movement a better experience than other classes. You also have the ability to tank, and they are very strong tanks if you get good at it.
I thought ret was good?
It’s so hard to keep track of what min/maxers tell me I’m not allowed to play the game with this week.
I’d say ret Paladin / Paladins overall. Reason being all around it has what some may deduce to being “fun” for the most part.
It’s an easy rotation / playstyle, meaning with complex mechanics it’s quite easy to still do your top dps which means you’re likely decent to better on the charts. It’s always “fun” feeling like you’re doing a great job on bosses and not bottom of the barrel.
It’s the ultimate hybrid. You got healing, dps, and tanking. So no matter your playstyle or mood, you’ve got options there.
Nothing is more “fun” than being one of the best classes to kill others with. You’ve got plenty of utility to support yourself and your friends with bubbles and heals. Plus you got CC and great damage to take out weaker classes in multiple PVP scenarios. Definitely fun when you feel like one of the strongest guys around.
Demon Hunter
Both Havoc and Veng can jump into a pile of mobs and come out clean.
You can play whatever you want darling. Not in my groups but certainly whatever you want.