Most efficient way to farm Illidan warglaives?

I feel that those swords fit very well with DH. Any tips you folks have?

Thank you

run on as many toons that can duel wield. run every week

It’s definitely a milkjob. Tickles is right. Running more toons can only help.

Dont you need them both on your DH to mog them though?


No. You need to have both the Mh & Oh on any one toon. Then you are eligible to get the quest to t-mog it on your DH. Peeps run many toons to increase the odds.

Do you do the skip where you walk up the chain to the den of mortal delights in the main room? Only DH can do this

what? show me this lol

This was the shortest video i could find. Everyone was going ahead posting like 15 minute videos for a 1 minute shortcut

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Bring me with you. Apparently I am lucky.

  1. I have the big love rocket mount. Dropped after only 3 attempts on this character.
  2. On my first attempt doing Tempest keep, Ashes of Al’ar dropped for me.
  3. I got the Warglaives of Azzinoth in just 5 attempts and the attempt resulted in a warglaive drop.

DHs have a major advantage over other classes since they can completely skip bosses 3-6 by double jumping up the chain scaffolding right past Supremus.

Unfortunately farming in general has been gimped after the nerf to the Bear Tartar food in Legion. It let you sprint after every kill and didnt matter the level of the enemy. You use to be able to maintain a permanent sprint through black temple with that.

I would still recommend finding gear that stacks mastery and spec into momentum for more frequent vengeful retreats. In all, you should be able to clear the whole thing in about 10 minutes.

It took me 43 attempts to get both war glaives on my DH. I didnt want to farm them wirh any of my other toons.

Also there is a toy you can buy from the BC timewalk vendor that lets you sacrafice critters to create a portal to Black Temple. This saves you a bunch of travel time.