Most dead first season in history!

creating a 7v4 advantage isn’t a waste of time.

There are many gamers who do have disabilities, your vile comments say more about your character.

OK tuff guy, tomorrow in the real world just remember not to put onions on my burger please.


It isnt if your team is losing vs the others. They may need a helping hand from a healer who has a brain cell compared to whatever else it is they had there where they therein lost.

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Beadie is an actual forum hero


Who benefits from players being forced to reroll to the few specs that are viable?

Who benefits from players being unable to get their high rating in the first 2 months and be done?

Blizzard and their forced time metrics

They don’t respect your time, they hunger for it


Not sure why everyone is pretending like the BOOSTERS arent whats causing low mmr

This has to end blizzard!

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That’s the thing though people play whatever is FOTM & never for fun anymore.

Just the way the community is nowadays.


People would play whats fun if seasons were more inflated

When its the last two weeks of the season and you gotta reroll ret war for red dragon tho that tends to happen

I think at this point, Blizzard should just acknowledge the static rating reward system as flawed & make a new one that scales with the ladder so they can stop capping mmr.


Their whole system needs a revamp

Also add more honor level rewards like wtf


They love our money but hate their customers… That AAA the customer is always wrong mentality.

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im glad they homogenized every class so hard that counterplay doesn’t exist anymore, game balance is just classes that are over-tuned and classes that are not

truly epic game design


Wow died with Garrosh (who did nothing wrong)



I swear if they uncapped mmr (if it’s actually capped last time they said it was just because not enough people are playing) & just had the static rewards go up when it starts becoming inflated that the process would be much smoother.

Also honor rewards just kinda died in Legion, feelsbadman was pretty neat.

Crazy they havent added anything since 500


True!!! Blizzard makes a fortune off the expansions, they have a wow shop raking in the cash, annnnd they get a monthly sub. FACT that Blizzard made record profits while at the same time laying off staff to make more profits. Even the state had to launch federal investigations into shady things going on there.

For the amount of money they make, the Devs should be well paid and well treated, and the game should be pumping out far more for the players…

Yeah this isn’t what’s happening, at least not currently.

The issue atm is that there’s literally no way to climb quickly. MMR being capped is a huge issue.

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Thanks Biden for ruining mmr!

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There is truth in what you said. With a dwindling player base PvP is mostly just the hardcore loyal fans now, and sweaty players…

It would not be Glad vs Glad at low ratings if they had a huge player base, this game needs to change to bring in NEW players.