Most dead first season in history!

Most dead first season in history!

Blizzard wont fix their game by buffing the bad specs and ontop of that they are capping arena mmr on purpose!

Clown behavior!


dw they’ll fix the game after the awc is over haha xd!!!


I think its cause they opened the Flood gates and allowed the RMT booster and websites to go wild…

From zero ratings and up its teams of Glad Mounted Boosters power farming players for their customers.


nobody is going spending money on rmt when they can get it in bg blitz for free


Theyre still making payments to asbur for half the draeconic drakes in the game


2024 was a wild year, AAA gaming was revealed to show Devs that were more into activism, then they were making fun games. Interviews with crazy actors showing utter disdain for their players.


Beta lasted less than 3 months, that alone is an indicator on how rushed the expansion was.

There are bugs to specs that haven’t even been addressed yet, in all honesty i think we are still in the beta cycle but it’s like a live beta.

Devs probably barely have any time to do much else juggling everything on a super tight schedule, not to mention pvp balance is at the very bottom of the totem pole in this game tailored for pve.

If anything blame corporate greed for rushing halfbaked products out to consumers that will purchase literally anything served to them regardless of qualify, no one to blame but ourselves really.


Season is dead? Odd, because Blitz is popping for me. I’ll never set foot in an arena again, there’s no reason to.


It’s a breath of of fresh air not having the ladder plauged by keyboard drooling ret, dh and warriors for once, (sadly we still have fury)

This season has been great. Even the AWC has had fairly good participation from a few different specs.

One of the best seasons so far. Only the mmr is ruining it.

the game needs more players

hoeever in this instant gratification era that might be a challenge . leveling and gearing is still a large time consuming thing that a large majaority of ppl just dont wanna do.

ppl just wanna download a game and play it these days. im pretty sure studies show our attention spans in general are getting a lot shorter these days, especially in youth


I think blitz is a huge part of it tbh.

A lot lot LOT of players prefer the BG style to arena where you can die and still play/win the game; it’s much less punishing. Especially now that you don’t have to spend an hour+ waiting to organize a group with what feels like the WORST lfg community.


They are buffing rogues and nerfing arms, they are so good

Shuffle was popping s1 dragonflight but normal 3s were also thriving.

Also that mode is really cringe and full of drooling mongrel AI bots that are often impossible to carry because you are 1/8 instead of 1/3. I had a warsong gultch on my dragon where I kited in circles with the flag around the flag room and to the GY and THEN back to the flag room until 20 STACKS (200% increased damage taken and 100% damp) and they still couldn’t kill efc .

Had a silvershard mines where I’m spinning a cart 1v4 for 5 minutes and we still lose the other 2. In the same game I am about to cap a cart but a hunter is sitting in it so I rescue in the male Tauren Ragnaros warrior so we have a 2v1 cap advantage and he leaps out instantly to charge the warlock stuck in a root 50 yards away

Think a lot of bad players are enjoying bg blitz because they can play like garbage per usual except this time they win the game because they get carried instead of going 0/6.


Will you folks seriously find something else to blame already. RMT has become the global warming of the arena forums. Literally blame every issue on it.

The season being dead has NOTHING todo with pilots and carries. As is, who would be paying for awful ratings right now? Makes 0 sense.


We gave up on responding to Beadie over a year ago.


Sorry, I need to check who I’m responding to.

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Feels like PvP options are -

  1. If you’re a meta spec/comp, queue 3’s because you’ll actually accomplish something
  2. Queue solo content where nothing you do matters

Honorable thoughts are:

  1. Why does this season feel exactly like S4 DF? None of the good specs die and the game is only going to slow down
  2. Why is gearing still so slow? Why don’t we have 4p yet? This one is harder to come to terms with. Not having tier is a joke.

The only people doing well consistently are the duo queuers

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God I miss shadowlands and dragonflight already


Yes, but it was still the only other rated solo queue option and was arena adjacent. Also, as you said;

People don’t talk about it a lot, but the below-average players are the ones that force over the normal curve to make the high-rated players higher.

Why would a bad player who regularly struggles take the time to find a group of players (who would likely flame them for being bad) when they can just Queue blitz and get rewards they’d never otherwise get and be carried?


top of ladder isn’t moving too much are people mainly just sitting or is it mmr cap stuff? talking about regular 3s here dont care about the other meme bracketr