Most cute names you've seen?

I spend the time to get a name I’m happy with and that fits the race for every alt no matter how little I expect to play it… and if I look back at it 3 months down the line I’ll still want to name change half of them because I don’t like them.

(This one is an exception, it’s more of an internet username I use across everything than a character – I only use this toon for forum posts)

Well that’s also an option I suppose.

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Same, with the exception of undead and demon hunters. For some reason my undead have punny names about 30% of the time and for DHs, it’s just impossible to take them seriously.

Cutest name I’ve ever seen was T’Paartos.



Applebear for sure!


Cute? Nah…Hilarious? I’ve seen a few.

  1. A prot warrior named Lukeparry
  2. An enh shaman named Oprawindfury
  3. A shaman named Shamazing
  4. A DH named “lolumadbro” that ragequit an RDF after the group decided to skip trash.

Ohgodmyeyes gets my vote


I like his other name: Ohgodfleas

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Ha! I didn’t know that. That clever human

mine name???

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kia ora all my names have rose in them usually followed by maori or south pacific word, and when i am blank they get colours :smiley:

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Pawsitivity. I made a druid on my server as soon as I saw it. Too bad I can’t stick to playing druids lmao

I managed to snag this name a few weeks ago.

I have no idea how it was available, but… it’s mine now. :hibiscus:

I should write down the ones I see, because I can never remember them a day later, but the best Shaman name I ever saw was a Resto Shaman named “Shambulance.”

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My first Death Knight. A push back against DKs with overly dark, evil, and cheesy names back in Wrath.


I like to think I got a cute pet name!

There was a horde Tauren named, “Hasselhoof” on WRA. I thought the name was cute, but the way he speaks was also cute too.

There is a guild named, “Interview with a Venthyr” I thought it was cute and cringe worthy.

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Not necessarily “cute” but I named my Druid alt “Amutateddog”… it’s especially funny in pretty much any shapeshift form…doesn’t help that it’s a Worgen Druid…

I’ve got an alt named Panderp guess what race it is? I drag it out every so often, and usually somebody hits me with a /laugh. I suppose it’s more of a funny name, than a cute one.

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