Most creatures in Hallowfall disappeared

Yesterday I was on a WQ in Hallowfall (don’t think it’s related because I heard of at least one more person with the same issue who didn’t touch that WQ), and on my way to defeat more of the required enemies I saw the next one disappear, and then all Hallowfall was empty of hostile creatures and more NPCs. Even the Keyflames and Schools of Fish (except Shadowblind Grouper) are completely missing.

Entering a Delve in Hallowfall also ends up very broken and is probably tied to my issue. My interface resets, can’t change to a saved profile in Edit Mode, I am stuck somewhere in the environment and can only Alt+F4. When I relog I can play the Delve more or less fine (with kinda unusual lags), but on leaving the same happens, I land stuck somewhere in nowhere and have to Alt+F4 again.

It’s not changing when I bring another character, Warmode on/off doesn’t change it, relogs, game restarts, death, deleting cache, Mage Tower, etc. didn’t help.
When someone who still sees creatures invites me, it says I’m in a different phasing. I can even enter their mount in Ringing Deeps and my char will disappear for them in Hallowfall (while I see them, but still no enemy creatures even if they attack my party member)

Hope you’ll find a fix soon or today’s Build will fix it.
Unfortunately, the server restart for the new Build 55399 didn’t help, issue still exists.