Most cheese arena comps in WoW

My money is on WoD season 1 double blood dk 2s, or triple DPS vanguards cleave 3s end of cata.

Dunno if it is the most cheese, but KFC season 1 of MoP was pretty nuts.

BM hunters with bugged stampede and warriors with OP as all hell second wind and taste for blood. Even double hunt was insane, BM that first season was so busted.

I ran into double BM + Healer yesterday, I think it’s up there.

Double or triple sub rogue first week of this season


lol, i played thug in bfa 2v2 and stampede would one shot people if u used it ontop of target while in a stun

zero counterplay

double ret hpal

the meme team dream


Most cheese? I think you nailed it with double dk. The ‘Crowd Chooses You’ was the most troll buff ever introduced. There was a DK that used to come and make all these serious posts about how good he was because he got 2400 in 2s and bla bla bla. As soon as they nerfed it, he never posted again.

MoP KFC with BM at the start of the expansion probably ranks at the top for 3s. S4 TSG as well. Double healer prot pali s8 was another funny one. Granted, you did need decent coordination, but it was still the pinnacle of cheese in arena.

hoj into hoj into hoj into silence kreygasm

At the start of MoP stampede was actually bugged out to ignore your targets armor. I remember going out in the world and popping stampede + bestial wrath on my buddy, who was a fully geared healer, and literally took my hands off my keyboard and he died in seconds while freecasting heals. Was actually dumb AF.

Might not be the dumbest thing that’s ever existed in the game. Most broken thing I experienced off the top of my head tho.

Well, that and all the pets were doing their full damage, rather than 25% of normal. AND they all could still use their ‘special’ abilities during stampede. So many buffs.

Oh yeah! Had forgotten about the full damage and abilities part.

LOL that ability was a mess when they first added it.

rmx since arena was introduced :^)

Yea, I think there was an armor debuff one on top of all that. They could could still CC as well. I mean, basically, it was just the normal pet with all their abilities while stampede was active. It was fun but man it was broken. I shelved my hunter until they fixed it.

Oh yeah it was stupid broken.

I didn’t actually play it much. I’ve never been a fan of BM. Neither the playstyle or theme of the spec has ever really appealed to me. I always played a hunter because I wanted to be a sniper, an archer dropping bombs from max range. So for me the whole pet-centric thing of BM just doesn’t do it, but I messed around with BM a little bit that season. Was so insanely broken.

You called?

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how did u remove the gradient on blizz frames?

Yea, likewise. I always enjoyed MM and SV. BM not having a kick was just weird. It really was a braindead spec in the past. These days it’s pretty much inline with everything else. MM and SV def have a higher skill cap, but BM isn’t nearly as bad as it once was in respect to skill.

necro ret pally? a unicorn!!

SS is 2 months old, but have been it since launch.

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