Mosswool polymorph tome bug

Its still broken for anyone who had acquired the tome and used it before the hotfix. Players who had used it before the fix can not get another tome because it came from a one time quest and was BoP. Players effected need to be granted another copy of the tome through developer intervention, since GMs no longer have any power to do anything and are effectively just a call center.


I was one of those people who went for the tome right away and now i cant use it. I was so excited for a new polymorph and now blizzard ruined it



Small indie company, struggling with code.

What’s also sad for me is I actually just stumbled upon it because I was random exploring the city. I went down a corridor and found a secret room and was like “what is this???” And was surprised to find a quest and new poly, and now it’s just broken. I don’t really care, but it’s sad they are getting in their own way so often.

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I lucked out and saw the post on Wowhead about it being bugged before I got it and waited. I can’t believe the hotfix wasn’t retroactive! Well no, I tell I lie, after 20 years of this I can in fact believe it, lol.

Honestly, though y’all are not missing out on much. Nothing beats the pig and turtle polymorphs for maximum humiliation in PvP and I typically use the black cat in PvE. :joy:

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