Morning! VLDL

Nice day for fishin, isn’t it?

I love these guys. I want to see an homage so bad in WoW to at least Baelin (on top of my wanting Stephen King references).


For the peace of the kingdom! For the King!

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Would love to be able to mimic Adam’s cry, but I don’t even know how to type it out.

That whole channel is comedy gold.

Edit: Never mind, here we go!

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What do very low density lipoproteins have to do with any of this?

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Ahu! Ahu! Ahoooo!

I’m just impressed that he does it EXACTLY the same time each time.

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I go back and forth on who my favorite is, but I absolutely love Adam’s range of characters. Not to say the rest aren’t pure gold as well, but every one of their little worlds or whatever, Adam continues to steal the show for me. He’s so good at just all of it.

(Edit: I THINK his real name is Adam or I’m just assuming it is from the video store skit.)

I couldn’t pick out a favorite, they all crack me up.

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I think their take on RDR2 is cool as well.

Fairly certain that’s his RL name.

i think they’re all hilarious.