< Coffee and Karazhan >
Morning Raiding Guild
All TBC content cleared | Wed & Thur 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Currently recruiting:
Note – The Rogue, Mage, Druid, Death Knight Token is full at this time.
All (other) exceptional players are encouraged to inquire about our Wrath raid team(s).
About C&K:
- C & K has been around for well over a year now. We created the guild because of the need for it. A lot of us are Second/Third shift workers, or mornings are just better for us. We love the game but can’t run like the normal 9-5 crowd. Plus, name a better combo than Coffee and Raiding!
- All TBC content has been cleared as we’ve progressed through the expansion.
Raiding Times:
Wednesday & Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM
(Optional raids) Friday we occasionally rotate old raid content.
Being able to listen in Discord. You don’t have to speak, but at least be able to type to inform us of anything.
75% or better attendance
Proper consumables and enchants are expected for every boss fight
Raiders should research fights, know their roles, and review their logs individually to improve
Be willing to take constructive criticism
Loot System:
Trial period:
- Initiates who join will be limited to a trial period no longer than 3 weeks, but are welcome to receive non-reserved item(s).
Bahgz #2682 on Discord or Bahgz #1711 on BNET
Twotontony- Thayer#1989