We are an AM 25 man raiding guild. We cleared all the raids on week 2. Are currently doing OS 3 Drake for the last 4 weeks. We are currently recruiting an Spriest, Prot Paladin, and a Warlock. We raid Fri/Monday 9am-Noon server time. Friendly guild full of people that know mechs but also understand life happens. Feel free to get ahold of me on discord Trollrcoastr#7460 with any questions.
Bump it up
Making the push for some ulduar raiding
Tried to send you a message on Discord but didn’t go through. I am definitely interested in this guild.
Ulduar January 19th we need some lock rocks
bumpit up, still looking for 4 dps to join our raid team. First week guild go up to yogg.
Up up and away!!!
Still recruiting dps for Ulduar
Ever think about hosting your alt early morning guild runs in a GDKP? We could use more morning runs! 3k+ community of raiders! discord.gg/paglesbestgdkp
Still recruiting dps and 1 healer.
still recruiting dps
still recruiting DPS
Recruiting all dps classes either talk to that troll guy or me bnet orangesliice#1979
Come on 1st and 3rd shift workers we are here for u. Have a coffee some breakfast and kill some internet dragons with us
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