Mor'geth world boss WQ bugged

Tried twice and gave up - assumed it was a bug - since everything in this game is a buggy mess, came here for confirmation.

Hope you are proud of your hardwork and dedication to the craft here blizz, I am sure the funding of your company has been placed in all the right places.

Yet another fantastic bug from our small indie company

I agree. I lost a lot of stygia in my attempts.

if the 200 comments confirming this bug wasnt enough all add my own. killed boss 3 times and no credit for anima world quest, both in raid and out of raid, but received loot. friends guild had same issue but a couple received world quest completion upon second kill.

It took quite a few tries for me to get credit. My husband has tried 8 times to no avail. What finally worked for me was going far away and then back into the quest area. If it doesn’t show in your quest log area, go further out and try again. I was afraid to join a group and lose it due to realm hopping, so I just started my own group. The biggest thing is to make sure that it is showing up in your log or it will not count. Good luck! This is a bug that has happened for years now and often has to be hot fixed. Hopefully they take care of it quickly.

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I am experiencing the above issue!

Also happened to me. Got loot from the boss, just not world quest credit.

For a world boss, it’s a ridiculous fight to begin with, then killing him twice with no credit is simply unacceptable.

I too have suffered greatly from this bug. 4 fights, no loot, no credit.

Same here, no credit… did it in raid and left raid.

Same issue but I also could not reclaim the 3k in dropped Stygia. My corpse just sat there sparkling without me being able to reclaim in party or out.

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+1 Tried 7 times yesterday. This is ridiculous.

Same issue here too. Killed 4 or 5 times now and still no anima.

I love how it’s been 19 hours and Blizzard won’t even address this.


Tried twice on my main. Got mail boots and gloves. So i guess lucky me? But no credit on WQ and anima. That was the sad part.

has anyone gotten more than one piece of loot to drop after killing him a few times?

Where’s the blue post Blizz?? You obviously have enough tickets and complaints to fix this… It’s a simple hotfix! We have all wasted our time on a horrible boss fight for nothing!!

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I got credit for the kill, but the quest just says complete and doesn’t cash or anything like usual.

That doesn’t happen in Bug Reports. You report bug, QA forwards bug report to developers, devs fix bug, and at no point does anyone talk about anything.

I did get some 233 boots from the kill on 1st day, but no anima and no credit for kill…