Mor'geth, great boss!

Gee Blizzard;

Can we have more fights like him? You know… join a raid group… spend 25 mins killing him due to lag, just to end up not getting any loot, anima, nothing…

and… AND, not get credit for actually killing him!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

more of that please… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :man_facepalming:


You missed General Discussion, I believe.

Customer Support has zero involvement in game design and operation, and as such cannot assist in any such matters.

Tech Support and Bug Reports would also be appropriate, for their respective mentions in your post.


you missed the part where I stated it’s bugged… not providing loot of any sort, not giving credit for kill.

Sure the lag is a tech issue. However, there is A LOT of this poorly implemented content that is under the “CS” category.

I didn’t, though.

QA are the team responsible for tracking down and squashing anything that would be considered a bug, but they are not found in this forum.


Greetings and welcome to Customer Support, not to be confused with Customer Service. This forum is one for players to assist other players. It is not a contact point for any of the staff, save for our nifty SFAs.

Now, if you take a peek over on Bug Reports, you’ll find half a dozen or more threads (they just keep spawning) with this same exact issue, where they need to be so the proper staff can see them and make note of them. Feel free to tag in on one of those (I would not recommend all of them though, as that gets into spam territory).

And even then, your sarcasm isn’t appropriate in any sort of reporting capacity, as it’s just as likely to get flagged and buried. As Ekon said, this isn’t GD.


Much like any other raid boss, you are not guaranteed loot for killing Mor’geth. If you feel there is a bug, then you need to report such in the aptly named Bug Report Forum. If you want to make a suggestion or give feedback on the encounter, then you would need to post in the General Discussion Forum so that the people who make such design decisions can view the ensuing discussion on the subject and determine if they want to change the encounter or not.


They’re not talking about not getting an item from the boss, they’re talking about not getting anything from the boss. No gold, no item, no anima, nothing.

I killed the boss and, while I got gold for killing him, it did not complete the WQ associated with killing him. :confused:

Something’s broken.


The OP’s attitude aside, there is apparently something buggy with the boss. I wasn’t lying about there being many threads (unless they’ve since been consolidated by one of our SFAs) spread across multiple forums. I haven’t bothered with it in hope of a fix before I do, but several of my guild folk said the same on top of what I’ve seen said here on the forums.

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Are the bugs or the lack of response here more upsetting?

Should OP have taken a second to breath before reporting? Sure, but they did report that the world boss is borked. Jumping onto police the way someone reports something instead of actually providing support for them, just seems you wanna hear yourself talk, but that’s how yall always appear. /shrug

I’ve killed him twice and got kill credit and loot (dunno what I did differently, and am probably lucky), but kept getting LoS issues. Different problem, same boss. Maybe a hotfix or reset will fix it.

Same here, thought some how I didn’t complete it right so I put myself through fighting him twice! Miserable fight.

Dying 3 times, … no credit and no anima…but I did get the Shard of Dom. so it proves I did it.
I was really hoping maybe I’d get mail from the ‘Postmaster’… haha…no dice.

Down vote …fbad customer service.

Good thing I don’t work for Blizzard, then?

Brownie points for trying something, I guess.