More World of Warcraft Experiences to Come

To think most people are having fun with this just because you are, is delusional. The game only has so many players because retail and classic rewards are tied to it, wait 3-4 weeks when the majority are done with their grind, and we’ll see the actual state of the game. It would already be a graveyard if it only had its own rewards.


Probably because they like all of those things and find them all conveniently wrapped up in the WoW package instead of going to four disconnected games to get each of them separately.

Which ironically is another critique against Plunderstorm as you have to leave the game to get that aspect even if you do happen to like the mode.


good to see its a pve event this time

pvp was always an afterthought in wow. good riddance blunderstorm

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You likely would have had to wait another 2+ years for that level of immersion. Although I am not any kind of PVPer, I appreciate WOW releasing something less in depth and more accessible for nonPVP folks. Jmho :slightly_smiling_face:

Weren’t you saying that Plunderstorm is the new PvP design schematic like a few days ago?

no i want the 5 ability loadout in regular wow overall

i dont pvp and idc for it


But with Pokemon I can collect Pokemon, transfer, battle, trade with people locally and online.

You are also able to use their previous predecessor titles that generation of pokemon, to the current game. You are also able to capture almost 1000s of pokemon uniquely and put them in the pokemon online bank.

These features are way superior than what wow has to offer…

So if you’re saying “if I want to play a BR game I would do so outside of WoW”

Why can’t I tell you play a better game outside of WoW for pet battling?

Because I play WoW, I don’t pet battle, so not sure why that’s relevant. Also, I like MMORPGs, which one of those is even close to that? Your analogies sound like you have some kind of mental deficiency, whataboutism is a logical fallacy and does not help your case. Also again, Plunderstorm is not WoW, so your whole point has no meaning.

Could we please have an event that contains content paths for both pve and pvp players, as well as making it at least seasonal so if you miss out one year, you can catch it next year? Or something like that?

Thank you. :upside_down_face:


Yeah, that’s fun, pokemon and stuff.

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you already had it. was called plunderstorm

OG sets, keep dreaming.

The unused recolors, big yes.


Personally I like events where the theme has different kinds of content mixed into it so everyone has something to dabble with.

If events are going to be just pvp, just pve, just pet battles, or what have you, I suppose that’s okay too if they get around doing a little bit of everything. But personally I think its most fun when everyone is included every time.

36% achieved achievements in the pet tab. Starting at least 2015 to now.

Pinocchio would be proud of you and your lies.

they used to

W/e this new experiment will be…

There will be no return of CM nor MT skins so please don’t ask or I’ll put you in Fomo jail.

You get pets by just playing the game lol, I’ve played for almost 2 decades, of course I have a lot of pets. 35% isn’t even close to being called a pet collector.


True …. but of course … rarely do any two of us agree on exactly what an MMO is :slight_smile:

So anyway, all I want is for the CM and MT skins to return.

More specifically it’s an MMORPG, not to be confused with games that just have a lot of players. The RPG aspect is arguably more important than the MMO aspect.

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