More weightstones incoming

To ensure the accessibility of Ironclaw Weightstone and Whetstones for the duration of this season and beyond, we will increase the total amount produced through crafting to 4.

This change will come with the next weekly reset, which is September 17 in this region.

I think I’d rather them just not cost a Null Stone. Maybe use Ironclaw Ore instead. So the things called Ironclaw X actually use Ironclaw in the recipe instead of the currently 0 Ironclaw Ore used in making these.


Any chance we can get the bulk NPC orders on Tuesday with reset instead of some random time on Wednesday or Thursday? So we can get those 5-6 knowledge point orders done with the reset?

Agreed; a recipe rework would be nice.

Would be great to fix Ironclaw Weightstones (blunt weapon attack power increase) getting skill bonuses from the Tool Enhancement (enhances profession tools) sub-specialization as well.

Will there be a comment in any direction about Dawnweave and Duskweave ever?


I mean thats nice and all but with the cost of Null Stones a single whetstone will be still incredibly more pricy than Mana Oils


It’s part of a deep Blizz conspiracy to eliminate melee.

… I’ll see myself out :wink:

Fixing the quantity to match comparable crafts is great, but the core issue still persist of; Why does this consumable cost a Null stone?

Its ridiculous when comparing the cost per whetstone to either dps oil. Situation’s made even worse when multiple specs which seem to lean towards whetstone are also dual wielders.


if we’re posting wishlists, can you delete the stupid lamp above the door of the craft guildhall because i forget about it EVERY time and it knocks me RIGHT off my mount

it’s a skill issue and i have no skill, take pity on me :rage:

How about the following changes?

  • Reduce Null Stones in most mediocre recipes to 0
  • Dragonflight’s Self-Repair Master’s Hammer now only works on Characters up to level 79
  • Full Shatter of Enchanting materials to be added, Crystals > Shards > Dust, rather than just Shards > Dust

I have to agree with some of the other comments on here. While i am very glad that some steps are being taken to increase the accessibility of weight/whetstones, these steps alone will NOT “ensure the accessibility” of them, at least if your goal is to make the accessibility of them equivalent to oils.

For example, there are 2.5k rank 2 algari mana oil on the AH that cost just under 181 gold each right now, while there is a TOTAL of 253 rank 2 weightstones on the AH with the cheapest one at 3410 gold. That is nearly a NINETEEN times difference, and the only change is increasing the production to 4 instead of 1? This is not a result of market manipulation of the weightstones from them being in small supply, but a result of it requiring a NULL STONE which alone costs over 4.1K gold right now. This simply makes NO sense at all. Why does algari mana oil take storm dust and leyline residue, while an ironclaw whetstone takes crystalline powder, core alloy (10 bismuth + vendor mats), and a NULL STONE? Note that there is also no ironclaw in the ironclaw consumables.

Suggested Changes

  • REMOVE THE NULL STONE REQUIREMENT. Really. There is absolutely no reason for it to be there.

  • Change the amount of whet/weightstones crafted to FIVE, not four. Weapon oils are crafted in groups of 5, the dragonflight stones (while not really used) were crafted in groups of 5. Im honestly thinking/hoping this is just a typo, if not i feel like we should know why melee are meant to pay more for our consumables by design, especially when we often have to use 2.

  • Maybe put ironclaw in the ironclaw items?

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remove nullstones, they dont belong in a consumable for how rare they are

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What this guy said, or increase the drop of Null Stone. They are currently going for 7500 gold (the cheapest) on my server, with imperfect nullstones going for 870 gold.

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