More Warlock Minion Glyphs Plz 😄

Like this :smiley:

Also: I just got Trust Level 3 today. Anybody wants to bet how long that will last? :scream:


Azeroth needs cheerleader succubus

And that incubus we were promised >:c


That too :smiley:

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What is trust level 3? Is there a new like bonding system for warlock pets?

It’s a Forum thing that takes at least 50 days to achieve and if you are ever flagged 5 times or banned you lose it forever and ever.

With it you can post pictures! :smiley:


One word: INCUBUS!


I so want that female imp lol.



I want that fancy voidlord skin with the lanterns on its mantle that you can see in the Void Ridge in Hellfire Peninsula. I was in fact, so disappointed that when I made that voidlord glyph on my scribe for my void elf warlock, it wasn’t the voidwalker with the lanterns.

So, so disappointed.


Female imps are giant. Unless your image isn’t to scale.
Also where are the eredar demons.
Or Sargeras.


You can’t summon Sargeras, Jaina. It’s bad mojo, mon.

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Those giant Imps are Imp Mothers. This would be like an Imp Daughter.


Sure, but it will cost you conflagrate.

(I will slowly steal my way to a felfire range dps spec!)

I mean it’s because for balancing…

:heart: you best buddy!

Honestly, I would totally trade conflagrate for a new set of Demons.

Done. Emailing blizz now.

Yes! My locks need an incubus :heart:


Make sure to include that the Void Succubus is top priority. That’s why she is in the middle like a red power ranger.

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Legion gave a lot of opportunity for cosmetic options with Warlock demons, but they haven’t capitalized on it quite yet. Maybe next expac.


The best day to make new Warlock Minion Glyphs was in Legion. The second best day is today :smiley:


I’m still hoping that brewmaster monks are given a glyph to change their ix summon and statue to something else, maybe a crane? But yeah warlocks could use some new pet forms. Maybe the next expac should just add new pets. Or perhaps a pet talent tree, that could customize your pet.

I was really thinking about this later… what if, instead of dozens of glyphs for new skins, we could get some sort of enslavement mechanic?

For example, you could purchase an empty [demonic soulstone] with your class vendor, and you use it on a weakened demon out in the field, to trap its soul inside of the item.

Keep the item in your bags, and you’ll summon that demon instead of the regular one… If you had multiple stones for the same type of demon (let’s say, a collection of random voidwalkers) you’d summon randomly one of them.

This way we could pinpoint exactly our favorite demon skins out there, would give incentive to warlocks to pursue unique colors of demons in old content, and would let warlock glyphs be dedicated to alter the other spells instead.

but hey, one can dream, right?