More Warglaive Transmogs

Exactly what the title says. There are plenty of unobtainable warglaive transmogs from both Vanilla/Classic, as well as Burning Crusade. The ones Altruis the Sufferer and Demon Hunter Initiates wield on Outland are good examples. I know pretty much all of them are recolors of one another, using textures we’ve seen on other vanilla weapons… but I still think they look better than the paddles DH’s currently have available. :stuck_out_tongue:


Alliance doesn’t have access to a decent Red Warglaive.

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I wish there was some Warglieve Heirlooms.


Warglaive heirlooms would be the perfect excuse to add these models to the game!

… Not that Blizzard needs/has an excuse at this point, but still! XD

There’s way too few warglaive models in the game. Blizz really needs to work on this since demon hunters are an actual class in their game now. The whole ‘You can mog your glaives as other weapons’ deal is such a cop out so they don’t have to make more.


They need to open warglaives up to being usable by other classes, too. Plenty of non-demon hunter NPCs have wielded warglaive-type weapons throughout Warcraft’s history, notably night elf sentinels and troll shadow hunters.

Warriors, hunters, and rogues should all be able to use them, at least.

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I personally don’t care either way about this in particular. Not to dismiss your point though, I think it’d be cool if I could use glaives on my warrior… that is, unless fury still isn’t allowed to use or transmog to one handed in Shadowlands. :’)

It’s just something I’m ‘meh’ about.

If more than one class could actually use them, you’d definitely see more players calling for more variety of them for transmog.

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Oh, absolutely. Honestly didn’t think of it that way!

Yes and while we are at it let’s get some heritage weapons


Do you people have ANY IDEA how many Night Elves would be rocking the Darkshore Warfront Warglaive if they allowed more than Demon Hunters to use it?

Night Elf Prot Warrior, Warglaive and Shield, on a Panther mount… bam, WC3 Huntress.


I agree with both of these things.

Warglaives should be opened for more classes, or reclassified as swords again.
Designing weapons for a single class feels like a waste to me.


Honestly I think you should be able to mog anything , so if you want a hunter to look like a priest, a warlock to look like a tank so be it.

More warglaives please. I like mine, the Ny’alotha ones, quite a few this expansion–but it’s so limited. I’m kind of locked on to this fel theme–not so much because of my character name, but limited options (that I like as much).

Also support warglaives being used by other classes. I don’t want to feel pressured to use them on this character since it’s unique to them, plus it wouldn’t take away anything that this class offers.

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Warglaives are stupid. It’s the kind of weapon a 12 year old comes up with. “Oh man, 2 double sides swords are better than 1!”. Whenever I see a demon hunter I just cringe.

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but I just like 'em because they look neat.

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YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! I really really want these. I like the thinner blades so much more.

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fixed that for you

That’s kind of fair lol. As a kid, I thought Darth Maul’s lightsaber was awesome. Adult me would rather use a normal one or 2 (who am I kidding, I’d take any lightsaber…)!

But a class is a class–no need to cringe for enjoying a play style! Plus as silly as warglaives are, they look kind of cool with the DH run. As do swords and really everything. Don’t cringe, we’re glorious!! Glorious and maybe a bit OP, but glorious!