[More unique allied races]

Blizzard should do another BFA style allied race implementation. I’d personally would love to see [Tuskarr] as a playable race, they’ve been well established already spanning across a few expansions.

They’ve seen a major update with Dragonflight, updating models, creating a female version and even children.

[Potential class choices]
-[Warrior]: already established within their culture.
-[Hunter]: already established within their culture.
-[Shaman]: already established within their culture.
-[Mage]: can be taught by Alliance or Horde counterparts.
-[Priest]: can be taught by Alliance or Horde counterparts.
-[DeathKnight]: With the players going back to Northrend in The Last Titan, I can see this being a possibility.
-[Monk]: can be taught by Alliance or Horde counterparts.

I left out Rogue/Paladin/Warlock/Druid, because you cant have everything.

The only concerns I have for Tuskarr are the model rigging for helmets and belts. That might prove to be “challenging”, but I have a feeling the developers are skilled enough to pull it off.

What are some of YOUR choices and ideas for said allied races?


Sporregar. I want a playable Sporregar mage. From TBC.


Interesting choice, the only concern I have is overall functionality with their rigging for helmets and shoulders, hands. I can see them sharing similarities with goblin,gnome,vurlpera. But the developers might deem it “non-universal” due to armor rigging.

See, I try to view it from a developers view point. Constraints, overall functionality and can it work across multiple riggings. Be it armor or weapons/off-hands

With Tuskarr I can see them going the route of the Tauren and adjusting certain portions on the helmets for their overall size/angles/Tusks and similar with the belts placement due to the belly angling belts at a slant. Though problematic, I find it more possible for the rigging to function over too many contraints.

Tabards shouldn’t be an issue if they can manage to stretch/expand the images like they did for Pandarens.

This is an oxymoron because allied races were meant from their conception to require the lowest amount of effort possible to implement.

Things like these can’t be allied races because they’re not what fits Blizzard’s criteria for an allied race, which is that the race is a subrace of, or at least shares a rig with, an existing core race. I doubt tuskarr share a rig with any core race, and sporelings use the trogg rig and only have about 20 animations.

And this is needlessly arbitrary when every other race already has rogues and warlocks. Any argument against warlocks went out the window when the class was given to Lightforged, and there already exists at least one tuskarr rogue:


We need Hozens :smiley:


Low effort to implement? How is making quests, updating old zones and making new ones to fit those allied races low effort? Not to mention making race models/rigging.

And as for Tuskarr not fitting Blizzards criteria. Thats not true with the amount of effort Blizzard has put into that race be it implementing them across zones, having toys related to them and even updating their cultures and race models, animations. That doesnt come off as not meeting a criteria.

And as for race class restrictions they still have it. So its not necessarily “out the window”

I think as far as a ‘fun discussion’ goes I think Tuskarr would be pretty cool, but I think it’s far more likely they will fall into a ‘transform toy’ category than a playable race.

My desire but most likely pipedream is to have a short race (either existing or new) have access to the Druid class.

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agree with tuskarr allied race, with some branch of thought
it could be interesting to play as lowkey tuskarr instead of the heroic tuskarr

classes can be restricted to just warrior, hunter only. transmog also restricted to select few lowkey styles (similar to tuskarr npc)

Why do you specifically want them as an Allied race and not just another playable race?

In the long run, people seem to dislike Allied races, because they have to be unlocked, and in future expansions it can even become confusing as to how to unlock them.

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I want vampire elves San’layn.


I view it as similarities like the Pandaren, with quest relations from an Alliance and Horde perspective of what both sides have done for the Tuskarr and what values the Tuskarr have with joining either faction.

So in the of being “allied” or “playable” I think they share the same context.

As the concern to unlocking a race it seems pretty straight forward, do quests and or reputation grinds to achieve results in unlocking said race. Plus with the vast amount of content scholars the information of a means is very knowledgeable for one to find reasons in understanding.

Tuskarr? Of all the idiotic ideas. Sure, after that, why don’t we have playable worms? What is wrong with you? People can’t wow just be wow? You taint, the reputation and legacy of this game with such stupid ideas. Grow up kid.

You don’t have to unlock Pandaren though, so you’re not answering my question.

You want Tuskarr, for example, but you not only want to play them, you also want them implemented so that they have to be unlocked in order to play them. Why not just introduce them as a new playable race that everyone gets on day one?

I mean, really, not every effing race we come into contact with has to join a faction and become a good guy. I swear to God, this is why I wanna stop playing the game people like you

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Um, your lack of comprehension is telling, and to assume I’m also a kid is telling. I bring logic and reason with my opinions. You on the other hand bring a fragile mind, and one that lacks discipline.

I wasn’t asked for what criteria (which by the way, there is none) I was asked what I’d like to play as. Thanks though!

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You’d have to ask Blizzard on their choice of how to unlock races, I’m just comparing my reasons with that very system of choice.

As for Panaren not being unlocked, while true. In recent years blizzard has been more focused on the unlock system.

If they’re unique they’re not allied races, they’re just regular new races. The whole point of allied races is they aren’t unique. Vulpera are the closest we get, but they still use the goblin skeleton.

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I’m asking you why you want to have to unlock a new race. Blizzard introduces playable races which are available to anyone who owns the expansion. Blizzard also introduces Allied races, which have requirements to unlock.

YOU would like to play as a Tuskarr, but you not only want to play them, you want to have to go through series of requirements in order to play them.

Why do you want Allied vs. immediately playable. It’s a pretty simple question. Why do YOU want to have to unlock Tuskarr and not just be able to play them from day one.

Blizzard could design it either way.

Unique can be used as a broad term, like unique to the original races we’ve got to play as in World of Warcraft. Dark Iron Dwarfs are unique just like Earthren are to, though similar to their Dwarf counterparts. So, they still can be unique and be an allied race.