More unannounced changes - loot only shows for those with professions

Two more unannounced changes:

1- Profession specific loot in instances are only being show for greed/need rolls by those who have that profession.

i.e. Flask of the Titans just dropped in UBRS, only a single alchemist in the raid was able to roll on it. (and they already knew it…)

2- Weapons are only showing for those that can use it with Need/Greed

[Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge] also dropped… only those who can wield swords show the item and could roll. No one needed it so it went a random person. It should have been able to go to an enchanter so they could DE it.

Lame. You get rid of the only change we actually liked and add a bunch of crap unannounced


Waiting for the forum trolls to come protest these changes…

Bring back MOS


Weird change! Also of note, BRING BACK MOS!

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This should also be put in the classic bug report forum using the [Era] tag.


Are you sure you didnt have the Loot rules set to “Need Before Greed” instead of “Group Loot”?

This behavior sounds like “Need Before Greed” bevaiour (cant roll items you cant equip/use)

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it’s an interesting change. but Greed should be open to everyone.

as above said, what were the loot settings set to?

I had it happen in a few VC runs on my hunter. I had Leatherworking patterns drop from mobs, some shoulder and boot patterns, and no one but myself could even see them to roll on them, and the system showed only I rolled.

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This is a ‘feature’ from retail’s API.

I’m guessing, as with many other changes, it was intended for SoD but Era ended up with it too.

I doubt the devs are even aware of this, and when it’s pointed out to them, they’re going to have weeks of meetings trying to decide if that was an inadvertent change or if that’s how vanilla always was. Who knows, bc they don’t play era.

Thanks for bringing attention to this.


Give them time, I’m sure we’ll get another BS post about how it was all intentional and they didn’t discuss it with any of us and they’re “so sorry”.

It was Group Loot. Sorry I thought I included that.

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Do 19’s even pop on US?

Have you made a bug report yet? Bug reports get more traction usually.

Unless it’s shaman related.
Almost 2 years to establish our reconnection with the Elements and see the manifestation on our weapons.

Update to 1.14 cratered the imbue visuals which didn’t get fixed until SoD phase 2. Got keep after em tho.

and our EM is currently broken and we’re getting no response so :))))))))))))) (smiley face)

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Yes, I did both a bug report and a forum bug report.


Strangely druids can’t equip polearms now, I thought they fixed this recently?

This is why we need 1.13 back now.