More Transmog Space

Simple quality of life addition request. Make more slots for the transmog dressing room. I’m all out of space and have to change newer mogs manually when ever I change my current mog.

Unless there is an addon that goes around this. Please make it happen Blizz. Especially with the shoulder changes in 9.1.

Does the addon ‘Transmog Outfits’ work for this?
I have not tried it, but it is recommended in the transmog forum.

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I’m not aware of any limits. How many are we talking? 10? I feel like I have at least that many saved on at least one character, and haven’t reached any error that I have hit a cap of any kind.

I have about 20 on my paladin. Usually due to specs. But there is a cap

I use “Better Wardrobe and Transmog” along with “Can I Mog It?” Maybe kind of redundant to use both, but “Better Wardrobe and Transmog” does increase the number of transmog slots as well as improves the Dressing Room panel to be more similar to Wowhead’s Dressing Room. The devs really should consider borrowing ideas from this addon.

“Can I Mog It?” is an addon I use to track whether or not I unlocked the appearance of an item for a different armor type.

Yeah I had to clean out some outfits awhile ago just to have space.

The 20 cap is too small to contain our fashion needs!

The mogit addon worked great for this issue, thanks guys!

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