More Transformative Gameplay for Warlock Classes and Specs

What is Transformative Gameplay?

You may ask what is “Transformative Gameplay”, I will leave you a couple of examples here. For example, a Mass Disintegrate from Scalecommander or Ravage proc from Druid of the Claw is what Transformative gameplay is. The action of transforming a spell or ability based off a proc is what it is. From changing one spell to another without adding an extra button to press.

Why do we want more of this style of gameplay?

It’s no question and I would like to hear your opinions on this subject, but I feel this style of gameplay is the most fun without extra button bloat. I find this take on gameplay is actually great for the game and other classes could benefit from this both thematically and efficiently.

What classes or specs could benefit from this style of gameplay?

I will leave this one up for debate but here’s my opinion and own ideas on which specs or classes could benefit from this to make them more engaging and fun while making the specs feel better to play. This will reduce bloat and allow more empowered than relying on cooldown style gameplay:

Some Examples of Class Changes for this style of Gameplay

I’m not an expert but hear me out if you would like these ideas I came up with without the ideas of Hero Talents:


Affliction Warlock: Nightfall being more transformative as a tooltip via talents on either being turned AoE or empowered like a Mind Flay: Insanity proc where it could be more visually stunning while also feeling good to press. This can either affect Drain Soul or Shadow bolt and turn into a Shadow Bolt Volley or Drain Soul Volley. This can act like Mass Disintegrate where it can split damage based on targets or maintain single target damage. This will reduce the amount of GCD’s to press on Multi-target cleave versus Malefic Rapture setup/ramp. Keep Cunning Cruelty to allow it to double dip into procs. This gameplay gets rid of Rapture setup and provides more instant damage on AoE.

Destruction Warlock: Allow a Soulburn to affect Havoc to affect a number of targets in an area for Chaos Bolt to AoE it’s marked targets. This also fixes the RNG of Mayhem and allows for a more controlled AoE than Rain of Fire stacking on one marked area as an optional AoE alternative for 2-3 target cleave.

Demonology Warlock: After spending a certain number cores you have a chance to enter Metamorphosis form for certain amount of seconds enhancing Hand of Gul’dan for extra % of imps/damage, Shadow Bolt turns into Soul Fire (like the old days), and Implosion refunds a certain % of used imps. This one may be a little OP but if balanced right could be fun.

This is just an idea I’ve had for quite a long time but after Diabolist has entered the game it’s no question it’s the most fun spec just because a lot of the spells get transformed while reducing bloat and making it more fun to play. This is only my ideas just for Warlock. If they could do this more for other classes, it would be really fun and to keep the rotation clean. I also feel it would reduce reworks and fix the problems where they lie if we started from a blank slate. I recently made a post “Rework Affliction to become fun” and I really started thinking more of the “Fun” aspect more than a Buff/Nerf aspect.

Let me know your creative ideas for the specs!