More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership

This is my feeling, too. I’m not criticizing anybody who chooses to continue playing the game. I feel this is a personal choice.

However, for me, at least, it’s overwhelmingly obvious that Blizzard is guilty of arrogance, abuse, dismissing grievances, and sexual assault, among other things. I don’t need the court to tell me or to wait for the evidence.

The evidence is clear in the way everyone in the company has responded.

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Where’s Yesuna. I’d like to get that hot take.

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In Texas, if 3 people saw you do what you did, you don’t get a second chance or an extra strike. You’re done.

If 800 people say you did it, you did it.


Hope the 800+ people signing the letter testify at court.


Same, but the other side. I am still sticking around because there are things present in WoW that I enjoy doing with friends that are not present in other games, but I don’t blame people for choosing to leave for a second. If I didn’t have the friend thing tying me here, I would as well.


I know…weird huh?

It’s almost like all those people were told to stay away from the forums…for legal reasons…

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sounds wow related to me :wink:

I’ve been watching Twitter and more employees (former and current) are signing. As far as I’m concerned every employee in the damn company should be signing it, a united front is absolutely necessary.

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The money you pay for this game goes towards making these exec’s rich

You just made me vomit.

The infallibility of the twitter mob?

And for that matter who are the 800 people saying did what in that letter?

As well as keeping a roof over the heads of those working there and had to put up with all that has transpired .Some of those people being possible victims of the abuse. Losing the money won’t hurt the executives as much as it will those there that depend on our continued support of the game.

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When asked about unionization by one of the employees, Taub’s answer was again pushing for internal handling of these situations. “The best way for protection is reaching out to your supervisors, hotline and avenues."

bosses: you dont need a union. we’re all family here

i would love to see blizzard employees unionize and create a ripple effect through the industry leading to better wages and treatment for them


The signs are over 1k at the moment.

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It’s actually over 2,000 now and still growing.

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Yep agree with you there, its a shame the posers at the top get such a free ride off the hard work of talented people.

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I think it’s wild that people actually flag these post. They are good information, maybe the truth hurts.

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Threads were getting reported for real life threat yesterday for no reason.

Yeh, over 2k now ma mon. How can a company argue with that? They can fire them, or the can take accountability.
Hope it’s the second choice.

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This is the same corporate line every non-unionized workplace gives you. They don’t want a union because then they might have to be held accountable when people have grievances.

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