More than 1 layer? Are there 4+ layers?

There should only be two. There are addons to track layers for world buffs.

I can confirm that on Bene we have two.

And Kaivax stated there’s only two, at least Temporarily TM, for whatever that’s worth.

Yeah, there’s definitely a noticeable reduction in the number of people visible. It’s a somewhat dead feeling compared to normal.


just wait for ony buff tomorrow , thats the real test


You inspired me, I rolled 8 druids a couple days ago!

This is how I could tell as they were all spread across various layers.

That’s the thing, on Benediction i noticed more than 2 because I JUST made 8 character multiboxer team and there seemed to be way more layers. I had to raid 8x level 6 characters just to merge them together into the same layer. Seemed like 4 or 5 layers.


i think you smoking too much puff puff.

You know how the layers work, so you know exactly how to find out yourself

Yeah, I had thought that there were only 2 layers for some reason, and was having a conversation about it with some guildies.

When I looked over the blue post to find a mention of how many layers there are, it doesn’t seem to say, so there may well be several.

Maybe it’s an anti-multiboxing feature. Log in on multiple characters, and they can’t see each other.

Thank you Blizzard. Thank you for taking action to reduce the queues during this nationwide problem.

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Go get 20 guildies
Go stand at Orgs equivalent to IF bridge

See how many guildies can not see eachother
DO NOT group yet

Now pair guildies who can not see eachother, and have them group then leave org (the groups) and return to the same spot.
And alternate who does the invites.
Guildie you see, then guildie you dont.

Now see how many groups of 2 guildies can not see the other groups of guildies.

You should wind up with basically 2 packs of grouped guildies
pack a can all see themselves but can not see pack B, and vica versa.

Now to put them all together, have one pack invite all the people they can see into 1 raid group.
Then start inviting all those from pack B
Zone out of org and back in
SHould now see 20 people.

That’s really interesting. If you can maybe try to screenshot or record it and post it over in the layers thread. I truly wouldn’t be surprised at all and am curious as to a blue response about it

… what is it with these constant whinges and hyperbole? org tonite was packed to the rafters.

What kind of fool would willing pay for 8 accounts? Gold selling companies I can see as it’s a business expense.

Rich or not its crazy. $128 bucks a month. To each his own I guess.

that’s off-topic

Probably saw one person say it and get a few hearts so they hopped on the buzz phrase bandwagon

I did, hence this post. There appears to be at least 4 or 5 layers, not 2 per Blizzard.

We all know about the mass exploits that occurred when tons of layers existed… Mass Lotus farming via layer switching (which still works, I just confirmed).

That is a good idea, next time I log and see it, I will try, but it is hard to get a good screenshot since I have 7 really small game windows + 1 really large main one.

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Maybe a timestamp + coordinates for each screen, and a mosaic picture with the small windows. Definitely a tricky thing to do, but would be worthwhile to get a definite answer on it.

  • Go get Nova World Buff Addon.

  • Type in /nwb

Shows 3 layers on Faerlina, at the moment.

You’ve heard of WoW tokens?

There are two layers on every layered realm, that’s correct.


Thank you for confirming!

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I haven’t looked into how Nova World Buffs works, precisely, but it shows 3 layers on Faerlina.


It looks like layer ID can be found on an NPC in a main city (Org/SW).

Here’s the function, for reference:

function NWB:setCurrentLayerText()
	if (not NWB.isLayered) then
	local _, _, zone = NWB.dragonLib:GetPlayerZonePosition();
	local GUID = UnitGUID("target");
	local zoneID, npcID;
	if (GUID) then
		_, _, _, _, zoneID, npcID = strsplit("-", GUID);
	if (NWB.faction == "Horde" and (zone ~= 1454 or not UnitExists("target") or not npcID)) then
		NWBlayerFrame.fs2:SetText("|cFF9CD6DETarget any NPC in Orgrimmar to see your current layer.|r");
	if (NWB.faction == "Alliance" and (zone ~= 1453 or not UnitExists("target") or not npcID)) then
		NWBlayerFrame.fs2:SetText("|cFF9CD6DETarget any NPC in Stormwind to see your current layer.|r");
	local count = 0;
	for k, v in NWB:pairsByKeys( do
		count = count + 1;
		if (k == tonumber(zoneID)) then
			NWBlayerFrame.fs2:SetText("|cFF9CD6DEYour are currently on |cff00ff00[Layer " .. count .. "]|cFF9CD6DE.|r");
			NWB.lastKnownLayer = count;
			NWB.lastKnownLayerID = k;
	NWBlayerFrame.fs2:SetText("|cFF9CD6DECan't find current layer or no timers active for this layer.|r");