More SL changes

I skimmed over the arms sectiond

Theres a lot more changes you can go check it out

That’s a very crude datamine dump and hardly the best way to look at the changes. For that I recommend WoWhead’s Shadowlands Talent Calculator. Then you can see that, for example, Arms and Prot get Execute Rank 2 at Level 13 which reduces the cooldown to zero. Meanwhile Fury gets its own Execute Rank 2 at Level 13 which reduces the Rage cost to zero, and then Execute Rank 3 at Level 18 which makes it generate 20 Rage.

A lot of things got changes that aren’t really changes, just stretching things out over the level curve with ability upgrades. You need them all lined up to see that.


Arms looks really cool, but it looks cool like early BfA Sub Rogue, the cool that gets nerfed in the first tier and is dead for the rest of the expo. Prot and Fury look extremely dull.
That seems to be the trend with most classes. One spec look cool, the other two pretty dull. Hopefully that’s just an alpha thing, and further iteration will flesh out the other specs more.

Arms… pretty much works the same in the alpha as it does now, minus azerite stuff. Same with fury for that matter.

Yeah, the main change for Fury is they’re removing the Rage economy talents that everyone takes. Endless Rage and Carnage are invisible and entirely passive, but they’re so strong they’re mandatory. With them gone it might free up some talent tiers for personal choice.

I know, I know, one’s always going to sim higher than the others. But sometimes they find a balance where there are different builds because of synergies, or a situation where the extra complexity talents sim well but you don’t want to take all of them at once. Killing the passive invisible Rage economy talents at least has the potential to free things up.

They slowed down the fury game play: less rage incoming, less enrage up time, less haste from enrage. Triple deep.

Indeed, but it’s not a nerf, it’s a playstyle change. I mean, new expansion with the first ever level squish so all the numbers have to be tuned from scratch. So as long as they balance it right it’s just a change to how frantically Fury has to press those buttons.

That’s a change some people may welcome, given we just had a thread about Fury hurting people’s hands to play. Also fewer APM with longer build/spend cycles means Rampage should end up hitting harder, which is always nice. And they haven’t changed that Fury is always a hitting a button, not sitting and waiting for cooldowns or Rage.

So all in all I’m not fussed about it yet. Maybe when I eventually get a Beta invite and go try it out myself I’ll have complaints. But none of the streamer reviews have said anything besides “Fury is still Fury”, and I really enjoy Fury, so I’m confident I’ll continue to enjoy it in Shadowlands.

So Arms getting nerfed along with Fury but Fury gets old stuff back

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Well, Arms isn’t necessarily getting nerfed.

And we’re still far from the final product. Keep your eyes open.