More Shaman Glyphs for our Ghost Wolf form

Could we get some new other glyphs for our Ghost Wolf form please? Having some new ones would great. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I think about these forms (with the “spectral effect” we can have like on the Spectral Wolf) :

Having all these new forms as glyphs for our Ghost Wolf form could be really nice with the old ones. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


It’s so sad that blizz decides to just sit on a mountain of assets, animations, and models.

At this point, they might as well open up Pandora’s box


No! No more glyphs!

This type of stuff should be on the barber shop. I’m tired of having to go to the AH every time I want to swap my ghost wolf.

They should be options in the barber shop, and we should have access to all of them just like Druid forms and warlock pets.

They should also all come with proper animations. They should all have a dance, sit and lay down emote. (Some of them don’t)

I mean ideally they would rework the glyph system into an actual collection type of system, like a modernized cata glyph ui with unlimited slots. Barber shop is fine but glyphs make more sense and are actually already a system that could be brought forward as another collection based system.

As for ghost wolf forms, fully agree. I would love glyphs that add elemental effects to your form, ie lightning, lava, wind, etc.