This is the nail in the coffin for me…
All of outlaws staple pvp talents = gone.
Because outlaw was notoriously OP in PvP. /s
Rogue survivability feels so bad already, especially with bugs like the Dealthstalker mark breaking stealth and even preventing stealth after dying. Blizz can you actually fix something instead of nerfing the class into the ground? Shadowy duel was already basically useless because it takes SO much energy, I take the talent to escape when being jumped by a group. Totally OP. /s The loss of Veil of Midnight is going to make rogue miserable.
Oddly, I did Korrak’s revenge a couple of times (granted, that’s not “high-end” PvP) and did really well even when “mindlessly” charging into large groups of enemies as Outlaw.
Granted, I’m a decently well-geared (not PvP-geared) Rogue optimizing Versatility and Speed and spamming Feint on Cooldown because I can, but those were fun moments.
Against an opponent that is just as geared as I am though? I’m toast unless I’ve got the jump on them.