More reasons why parses should not be taken seriously


Tricks does nothing for locks in terms of parsing or logs, just it increases overall raid damage but the attribution is to an npc

Something that I’d like WoWlogs to do to keep themselves consistent is to reatrribute power infusion which if snapshotted correctly can be a far greater increase with drain soul.

You can get 95+ in pug groups with less than ideal gear and kill times. Full buffs or close to full buffs are VERY easy to get in WotLK 25 mans. Fringe cases where everything with the group is bad is not something to make a blanket statement from.

Obviously there are a few exceptions like Noth where missing the kill window is just an instant parse killer, but for the most part pretty much any normal raid set up should be capable of getting dps to the 90s.

Another point to add to OP is that I believe certain classes have an easier time parsing than others. Especially if said class is not played by competitive people (like unholy dks and demo locks are rn). A class such as arcane mage (there are millions of them) or surv hunter might have an easier time reaching those 99s. And if you are in a sweaty guild and playing frost mage should be even easier.

Not doing the mechanics is worse.

Also spider web dmg is counted on your logs.

What you guys don’t get is letting a person die or be CC’d because of mechanics actually hurts your parse.

Parsing is literally the easiest thing to do, show up and press your buttons right, consume and enchant and do mechanics.

There is no secret, fight lengths is irrelevant for the most part u less you have a 5+ minute patchwork. For the average player you’re killing the bosses fast enough.

You can even look at fight lengths on the front page for your spec and you will see even on fights like patchwork you will have 99s be 90 seconds slower than other 99s…

The people who think like this are just mediocre to bad and need to make excuses.

I didn’t say you couldn’t,

I said parsing in the high 90s requires more than individual skill.

After 85-90 it’s clear on an individual level you’ve basically got the class on lock, imo.

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You can be in the BIS raid setup and hit the buttons wrong because you are fundamentally bad, not everyone logging a parse is even hitting the buttons correctly.

You’re an arcane mage so I know, that you know that’s not true.

After your opener with lust, busting 13-14k your dps decreases over time.

Can you go balls the the wall the whole fight and go 4/6, or will you end up having to go conservative and go 3/5.

So ending the fight after 2:30 vs ending the fight @ 3:30 is going to give you a vastly different parse.

Sure, a couple extra raid buffs and a shorter kill time isn’t going to turn a gray parser into a 99 parser.

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Fastest arcane kill for patch on front page is 1:23 and it was a 99.

Slowest kill on 3rd page was 2:25, it’s still a 99.

You could prolly keep going, I will admit arcane is a bit different in that this spec kill times matter a bit more, the point stands tho.

Check the crit % of both logs

That’s a lot of work, and my phone sucks at logs kekw

They always say parses aren’t used for loot consideration, but there will always be those clowns use it to claim that they work harder, or they deserve it more, or they deserve it first or whatever. Especially when the progression is over, or the content was so trivial there was never any progression to begin with. I call these players politickers. They are the people who go around collecting 50 innervates, PI’s, tricks of the trade etc. Get full bis while there are others in the guild still haven’t gotten a single piece of bis gear.

I’ve been with a guild I enjoy alot since vanilla classic. I remember all the politickers who came and went over the years. They’re never that good, and they never last that long.

There are tons of players like that, but I don’t play the game like that. I already do it enough in real life… things worse than politicking, in order to justify why resources should go into my own coffers instead of some other group of people’s. A real piece of filth. In this game I prefer to play like I deserve nothing, just one disposable soldier in a war machine. It’s the only way it can hold my interest; If I don’t, I would probably just end up botting, RMTing and getting banned + lose interest, whichever one comes first

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Point on the doll where the parsing guild touched you

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Meh. Logs are useful, even in classic. “Parses”, however, the percentage of players of your class/spec other than you who did lower dps during an encounter, are pretty much useless in Classic. The thing is that, in mythic progression, “parsing” measures how efficient you are while moving, how many mistakes you made, how well-executed your rotation is… Those things, in turn, tell you how useful you are for your guild during progression.

But this is phase one of wotlk. There is no progression. There is no movement. “Parsing” here is akin to cheesing full 99s in retail heroic mode because you’re bored. Everyone can do it if they really want to, but most people don’t.


Lol you predicted correctly. Nothing better than an arcane mage coming in and claiming he has god tier skills whilst spamming one button with a blindfold on lol.

You also must play with a blindfold on.

That’s gotta be why you keep dying to void zones.

You do know void zones are not actually a soak mechanic, you’re supposed to walk out of them.

This is some of the biggest copium I have ever read

It’s also not how parsing works friend.

All 200,000 Arcane mages can’t parse 99

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I really wish there were better log analyzers for classic. There are spreadsheets etc that do a pretty good job, but warcraftlogs in general is really surprisingly barebones. It’s kinda odd actually how basic they’ve been content to leave it. It really seems to want to exist solely as a “ranking site” rather than as an in-depth log analyzer.

The retail ones and some of the crazy spreadsheets people have developed can tell you some really interesting stuff though like how many times you used a CD vs how many you could have, how much damage you’re mitigating with various cd’s etc etc. If you’re really into min/maxing it’s pretty interesting stuff.

Meh, I’ve done it several times in retail heroic mode (granted, I stopped playing retail after Antorus, but still). I have done it in the current classic tier. “Copium” would be thinking that made me a better player than people who have no patience for this kind of nonsense.

I’m not saying “200000 mages can parse 99”, I’m saying “everyone who wants to, will”, because the vast majority don’t.

Thanks for going through my logs, I tried to go through yours but lost interest when I saw you only cast 3 spells lol. But I’ll take your word for it that it’s really hard to press the 3 buttons in the correct order. Congratulations.

Three buttons?

That’s probably what 70% of this version of the games rotations are…

Are you pressing too many buttons staring at your hot bars that you can’t Dodge void zones?

Your rotation should be muscle memory by now you shouldn’t need to stare at your character anymore maybe you’re just a slow learner.