I feel like Paladin could use some more races on their roster. For example when they added more class options to Dracthyr i thought we would get Paladin as an option since the race models are the Female Human and Male BElf and they can both be Paladins. It would be so cool to be a Dracthyr Paladin imo. And with the Prior dungeon maybe theyll add KulTiran as an option for Paladin? And for Horde maybe just give them Highmountain tauren? 1 for alliance, 1 for horde and 1 neutral race. Please Blizzard.
This is coming… Eventually. All classes to most races I believe.
Blizzard has stated its in the works.
Paladin, Shaman and Druid are being done last due to the custom graphical assets they need for each race.
No timeframe yet, unfortunately.
I made a thread on nightelf paladins on general forums . I really hope they introduce paladins to all in midnight . I have been asking for this for a long time . I am not sure why they haven’t put time into it ? I’m sick of playing a dwarf / human / dreanei.
How about giving us humans a revamped paladin charger finally?
we need gnomes pally!
Humans are all we need. Anything else is second class knock-offs.
Personally I think Night Elf Paladins are long overdue. Azshara’s Royal Guard were Paladins so they definitely practiced at one point, even if they abandoned it eventually, then we get to Legion and we see a Priestess of Elune join the Silver Hand as a Paladin and then in BFA I imagined the Night Warrior was a gateway into giving Night Elves Paladins but nope, just customization.
From Cata
they make it sound like one of the labors of hercules when:
they need to make 1 totem model for each race (each race has just 1 model but recolored)
gold/holy looking recolors of preexisting racial mounts
all of the animations and vfx are there, its just blizzard being lazy and probably saving it as a preorder bonus or something to hype up 12.0. in the paladin order hall we make a night elf priestess into a paladin, and since every race can be priest, i see no reason why they would be unable to take paladin oaths. in the interest of speed, they could’ve just done a generic horde/alliance themed totem for shamans and a generic horde/alliance themed paladin mount with unique ones coming later
I just read your source. Nothing is mentioned of them being paladins. As a matter of fact, it mentions them of being mages, although not at the level of Highborne.
There’s nothing in lore that mentions them being paladins at all.
Eventually Mechagnomes will take over the world. It is known.
You sure you read the Eternal Champion page? I really don’t think the golden heavy armor, sword and shield wielding Night Elf that uses Holy Magic implies mage.
For the Queen’s Royal Guard, it literally says “Character Class: Mage” and that Captain Varo’then had “skills in the art.”
Nothing is mentions of the Holy Light or any relation to the paladin lore.
Yes, Captain Varo’then, leader of the Eternal Guard, Azshara’s personal bootlicker after the supposed death of Xavius was a battlemage. The Eternal Champions, part of the Royal Guard under his command, were not.
If you wanna say Blizzard only added them for the rule of cool, so be it, but whether they wanted or not they implied the existence of Night Elves that practiced holy magic while fighting in close quarters as a warrior, proto-paladins at worst, fully fledged Paladins most likely, after all, it’s not unexpected that the people that loved their Queen so much would have so much faith in her that they would find themselves within Light’s graces.
It literally says " Eternal Champions are Highborne elven members of the Queen’s Royal Guard, an order led by Captain Varo’then." And that their character class is Mage.
This is YOUR source I’m quoting. You’re denying your OWN source.
There’s nothing, nothing there on that page YOU SOURCED that says or implies this.
Oh Geezus…
Click on The Queen’s Royal Guard and look at the right side box. It literally says Character Class: Mage.
Do you not see that???
We don’t get cool races sadly. We just get the same race reskinned. I’d personally love drakthyr paladin.
However drak paladin would fix one of rets biggest flaws, which is why i dont see it happening for a while.
I hope they don’t… I believe that certain races should only be allowed certain classes due to the characteristics and lore of those races.
There is definitely some races that deserve paladins . Nightelves and kul tiran are very over due.