More pet customization incoming!


And people wonder why warlocks get spat upon

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My void elf is totally using the white dog with the void back. Gonna be awesome :smiley:


glad to see y’all getting thingys! i hope there will be a lot more to come.


Rude. Very rude sir.

As a Hunter… This hurts me.

I remember when we used to be able to customize out pets.


From what I have read, Blizzard just needs to add Light themed demons. Then “everyone” will be happy.

But I doubt everyone will ever be happy.

……so where are the lightforged demons?


Spit on me, daddy. :blush:

On topic: neat looking coloring!

That do be the human condition.

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Could it possibly be because many people don’t care about changing the looks of a warlock pet?

I would they guess they are going for playability updates.

I’m not a warlock person. Still more options are always good.

I think whoever designed them did a good job. I didn’t look at the other pets and what their make overs look like. (Couldn’t stand that Incubis. Much better direction and a great improvement. Looks actually warlocky and demonic.) I hope there is lots of neat ones. Maybe they will do DK undead pets at some point. Couple of people including myself discussed all these class improvements. Nice to see what the guys and gals are coming up with over there. Looks like they didn’t address being able to name your ghouls (DK) or demons (Warlock). That would’ve been a nice personalized touch too. If they didn’t want to use a random name.

Oh I just hope if they keep going with all these tweaks for all the classes. Which I am supportive of. :dracthyr_heart: My request is don’t implement the new and take away the old. Give the option to substitute new with old please. It saves a lot of grief. I know I still miss the old Paladin wings and even the outdated wolf model sometimes. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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You get more pet skins than warlocks. Ahem.

This isn’t true.

Actually it is true, for me.

It goes against science and some scrutiny. But if you want to tell yourself that I guess it’s fine. :man_shrugging:

No it doesnt go against science.

I would recommend you research overchoice.

Im okay with warlock demon names having limitations. But it would be nice if we could still choose.

If you didnt know, demon names use a prefix and a suffix. Each time you change your demons name, each is randomised from a list of 30ish possibilities.

It would be great if they would just let us pick what of the possible combos we get.

I wanted to name my voidwalker “charlos”. And i did. Cost me 2 hours and 100k going through the randomised names to get it though.

nice to see Zerglings make an official appearance on Azeroth.

It’s time to merge Starcraft & Warcraft soon :nerd_face:

That doesnt apply in this situation because warlock pets dont have much customization.