More people would play SoM if bonus quest xp was 100% or more

Yeah I find it kind of funny how people are proud of not having a job. I would be embarrassed to be over lvl 40 right now actually.


Terrible idea, go back to retail.


Stop whining! Your most likely talking to a group of boost monkeys, Not going to happen.:space_invader:

It’s however people want to spend their time friends, lots of people now are working from home and have more opportunities.

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I like questing, mostly, but I would love a 50% percent bump to mob XP. I like to grind mobs every second or third level.

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Honestly 40% quest exp is really good.

They should reduce the total exp required to get from 10-60 by 10-15%, I think that would make the pacing feel a lot better and much more smooth than it is.

It’s not bad, but it doesn’t feel “good” yet.


For Vanilla/Classic sure but this isn’t Classic. This is the first iteration of Classic Plus. The #nochanges crowd still has OG Classic to pretend it’s still 2004.

We’ve got several that are mid-50s,…and a Lv.53 paladin died today, which was the “F in the chat” heard around the world.

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This isn’t a good reason.

Vanilla WoW was Vanilla WoW, and a HUGE part of that was the leveling process, which changed starting in BC and never went back.

For those who enjoy it, the 40% is nice and makes things move faster without utterly gutting the leveling experience that IS Vanilla.

Many WoW players don’t like Vanilla, and that’s okay. Turning it into a totally different game just to get more players involved would defy the entire point.

If they want to play BC or Retail, leave them to it. Make new friends in SoM, imo.

Incidentally, I play in Retail, TBCC, and SoM. It’s not an all or nothing proposition.

I hardly think being satisfied with a 40% increase and objecting to it being raised qualifies as #nochanges obstinacy. Those of us in SoM are enjoying LFG, the 40% bonus, and all kinds of HC shenaniganry. The removal of all the limitations and buffs that set the go-harder’s on fire–utterly RUINING Classic Vanilla, btw–has made everything lovely.

I hardly think I can be accused of a #nochanges mentality b/c I think a 40% buff is enough.


Compromise is ok because we’ll have a healthy player base and not a ghost town by phase 2. BTW, correcting you, yes, you do sound like the #NoChanges people that ruined classic.

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LFG, 40% buff…how is that not compromise?


No. No, I don’t. Like…at all.

I’m all about QoL changes. I love that because I don’t think it should be 100% I’m a #nochanger

I should name a toon that for funsies. My guildies are gonna love this thread. I’m SUCH a #yeschangesplease’er

Honestly, I’d love to see battle pets in Vanilla. I’d love to see modern character models in Vanilla. I’d love to see Tmog in Vanilla. I’d love barber shops in Vanilla. I’d love free talent swaps in Vanilla.

I just don’t think 100% boost to leveling xp is reasonable.

go back to retail


I’d be fine with that too, instead of increasing bonus quest xp to 100%. Like you said, it just doesn’t feel “good” just yet, although the 40% bonus quest xp was a good start, something still needs to be done imo to make the level process feel better.


XP is fine as is, go back to retail.


XP needs increased and I quit retail 12yrs ago.

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I would potentially agree with this if they had made any other class/spec/content changes. The only changes are to raiding therefore SoM has demonstrated that the game is actually raiding, for this season anyway.

I was fortunate enough to be able to take some time off last week and was excited to get as much leveling done as I could and I agree that the leveling needs a speed buff. For this season, 2 years after the original classic launch, I don’t mind leveling a little slower, but I really don’t want to do this grind again next year. Especially with the removal of layers this weekend, pickup quests have gotten impossible, so we are back to dungeon runs. Since dungeons don’t get the buffed xp, the level speed is almost the same as it was on classic.

Some of you really need to go back to retail. The game wasn’t made to be changed around your whims and wants. We don’t need your “more people will play” crap. I can pull out stuff too that will supposedly bring more people in. Doesn’t make it true. SoM leveling is fast enough, considering leveling is the main draw of the game. Don’t like it? Play something else.


As I’ve already said before, I did move on, I tried SoM and didn’t like it. Honestly if Blizzard would just add another SoM server with faster leveling then the issue would be solved. You can stay on the 40% bonus quest xp server and those of us who want faster leveling will play on the 100% or w/e the xp increase is, server.

The leveling aspect is simply one of many that most of us want tweaked. As other have mentioned in other posts, many are disappointed that SoM is a very weak version of Classic Plus and is a disappointment to many who wanted Classic Plus that would provide new quests, dungeons, items, quality of life, class balance, and many other things. So I find it amusing how up in arms you and others have gotten when defending SoM.

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Yeh , It would be more appealing if it was mobs and quest increase.

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Who is “most of us” lol? Who are these “many people”? Again I can bring up non backed up points and claim that many people agree with me. That doesn’t make it valid and it’s not a way of arguing. If you say you want faster leveling, that’s fine, but to say that many people do is disingenuous and not a valid point. Blizzard has done testing/research as to what is appropriate for this season. If you disagree with their findings, that’s ok.

There is no “issue” to solve.