More people will play your game if there is no premades in random bg's

Again, it’s funny to me that you pretend to be all about morals, yet you’re a total liar. It’s so pathetic.

You talk a big game, but you suck hard. I’m guessing you didn’t even earn the 1800 that you’re hard stuck at. I’m guessing you paid for a carry. So bad!

So how do you know they think you are not part of a full premade? I feel like this is a false premade. ie they think you q sync’d. This is just another reason q syncing sucks, it makes people who are staying in the boundaries of the game look bad.

That would actually explain a lot, if true.

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What a triggered little man you are haha. :rofl: feel entertained! I’m getting my moneys worth from you. I can write the dumbest things without even thinking and you reply without hesitation. Hirav jr!

You interact like you’re in elementary school. Maybe that is the explanation for why you’re so bad at everything.

Are you still using bgb rating as a measuring stick? :joy::joy: get bent you complete idiot


I would expect nothing less than someone HARD STUCK at a very low rating. What else could you possibly say other than that somehow it’s not a legitimate measure of anything? 1800 after hundreds of games played LOL … on healers LMAO!

Keep talking big my little man! Keep talking about how good you are at the game while you noob around away from any objectives so you can pad, merely to get to mediocre levels of throughput. What kind of a clown MW doesn’t even try to touch the flag in WSG? LMAO!

You’re bad at everything and not worth a minute more of my time. I’ve had my fill of laughs at your expense. Good luck with whatever you’re trying to do.

Buddy I ain’t reading all that hahah what a loser!! Man you are the most easily triggered little human I’ve met on here. Little man syndrome eh? Teeny weeny? That sucks bro


Something needs to be done. Between this and the travesty that is “warmode”, casual PVP is dead in this game.

Soul, at the beginning of the next season I would like for you to be my dedicated healer so that we can quickly reach 2K and show certain people what you are capable of with a decent partner. Do you want to start some 2v2 or did you want to go to 3v3? I’m pretty sure I can get you to 2K in a couple sessions on your priest. And trust me I’m not saying that you need a boost or some fake rating, I just know you’re actually a good player and if you want I can get you there. I promise there will be zero sweating involved and you would only have a good time. Don’t worry too much about Battleground Blitz players they really are not good at the game. Once they step into real PVP they get stuck around 1650 or maybe 1750 if they’re almost decent. I know that you are a 2K quality player at the minimum. I say minimum because I know it’s true. It would be fun and easy. Up to you man. I just think it would be a good time. Blitz players are just glorified coin flippers


What is casual pvp?

Just don’t do random bgs. Get bloody token gear and avoid honor gearing altogether.

Yeah for sure I’m running three healers this season. MW Pres and disc. I haven’t done arena in a while because I just like logging in and queing. But I’m down yeah

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The only real problem with premades, imo, is the fact that the vast majority of players trying to get into PvP start with random epics/bgs… And their first experiences with PvP is facing premades can be a turn off to PvP.

So I agree premades can be bad for the game. At the end of the day, though, there’s nothing to gain from randoms and if blizz was going to do something about it, they would have… So it is what it is.

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The current system is the worst of all possible options:

  1. A large population of people playing solo or in small group (2-3)
  2. Premade teams

The solo people get spawn camped and have no chance at winning. The premades get to spawn camp and get free honor/conquest but there is no challenge.

Currently, I play solo hoping to avoid the premades and experience the high of a close hard fought match. I’m not interested in joining a premade group to farm spawn points and /emote rude crap at people just trying to have fun.

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there’s nothing to gain from randoms

What do you mean?

I mean there’s no titles or seasonal rewards attached to it. And you get honor either way… If you fight for the horde, you get quite a bit still… even for a loss. So most people max honor, then move on to some form of rated.

The only possible exception are new players still trying to learn… which can make for a harrowing experience that turns them off to the PvP portion of the game entirely.

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Unrated PVP / PVP for the fun of it. Random BGs, Skirmishes, World PVP.

That’s so sweet that you’re willing to boost the little noob. But if you can get 2400 whenever you feel like it, as you repeat ad nauseum, and you can only boost him to 2k, it would seem that you agree with me that he’s pretty bad. On the positive side, there are no objectives for him to ignore in arena, so that would help.

I just want to team up with him. Dont know too many priests (somehow) and he should be able to get 2k with me relatively fast. Maybe 2.1k. Not sure. Most of the time Im likely to stop myself from queueing past 2300 though if I see odd things going on around that area.